This video short was in my YouTube feed today, It is great and shows how much people of the western world are reacting against woke, self-serving governments.

False Christian teachings, trends….
This video short was in my YouTube feed today, It is great and shows how much people of the western world are reacting against woke, self-serving governments.
This post takes a brief article on Satanist Aleister Crowley’s Law of Thelema and via inserted comments in pink font, shows how prosperity preachers encourage their followers along the same lines that Crowley encouraged his. The point is to show that prosperity preaching is as evil to the God of the Bible as is worshiping Satan, each of them glorify the self and much more.
There are three main views of interpreting Revelation 20: premillennial, postmillennial, and spiritual. In this sermon on postmillennialism and the spiritual view, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones continues his series on Great Biblical Doctrines by preaching on the other possible interpretations of Revelation and the end times. [He spent the bulk of the sermon speaking about the Spiritual view, the one he subscribes to. As he noted in sermons about Revelation, in recent posts, Christ’s kingdom is spiritual; John 18 describes it that way, thus, the spiritual view seems most appropriate.]
In this sermon on the premillennial view of Revelation, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones identifies several errors with the premillennial interpretation of eschatology.
The apostle Paul recognized the fact there is an internal battle within each one of us; every believer has an “enemy within” that we must fight. This lifelong battle between the flesh and the Spirit will rage until our death. Romans 7:21–23 addresses the enemy within: “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.” Paul understood that his fleshly nature would never conform to God’s will. No matter how much he might want to obey God in every way, he was fighting the “evil . . . right there with me,” the enemy within.
The 3-minute video of this post speaks to the losses of Soros supported leftist candidates around the globe being voted out, as in the USA.
What do the trumpets in Revelation stand for? Why are they in the book? How can their teaching be applied today? In this sermon on the trumpets, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches more about these symbols from the book of Revelation. He notes that the trumpets afflict only one-third of their objects. This is contrary to the seals of Revelation, which afflict things as a whole. What do the trumpets represent? They represent what happens to those who persecute God’s people. Many times when people are punished for their sin, it is easy to think that it is all a coincidence, but Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that these calamities in Revelation are sent by God Himself….
Early in the video of this post, is one of the Trump videos released on social media about his specific plans to drain the swamp. It is a wonderful plan.
The video of this post covers the following: “The republicans and Donald Trump’s wins continue to roll in as the vote counts finish across the country. One state that hasn’t gotten a lot of attention is California. Republican’s winning seats in congress, removing progressive DA George Gascon and winning Prop 36, the election turned out to be a rejection of Governor Gavin Newsom. Also Donald Trump gets to work, already selecting key positions in his cabinet, fixing the southern border, and beginning to bring peace in Ukraine. Make sure to watch the video!”
This post puts discusses responses of 4 well known preachers of the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly regarding their stance against modernism and pragmatism, or to state it differently, the encroachment of worldliness and false teaching upon the church. The purpose of this post is to prepare listeners for the next post from MLJ’s series on Great Biblical Doctrines, wherein he is providing a further look at the book of Revelation. The section he discusses dealt with God’s judgment upon unregenerate men who persecuted His church. This post looks at movements since the late 1800’s wherein men from the church (unregenerate?) were bringing in worldly METHODOLOGY that carried with it worldliness and spawned false doctrines. Movements in the church today, side B Christianity; wokeness, White privilege… derive from the corruption that occurred earlier in the church. The corruption that Spurgeon, Machen, MacArthur and Sproul stood against.