The 5-minute Got Questions Video of this post explains that the Roman Catholic concept of purgatory is not biblical. Also, there are links to Got Questions posts about related topics such as plenary indulgences. Additionally, a few verses of scripture were inserted to show that the doctrines of men are not accepted by God; that show from the Bible how 19 kings of Israel were cursed for following doctrines of men (established by Jeroboam, son of Nebat). That example speaks to such things as purgatory and the counterfeit Pentecostal revival movement that was established upon the lies of Charles Fox Parham and Agnes Ozman (clearly explained by John MacArthur in his book, Strange Fire pages 20-25); furthermore, it speaks to the SBC’s addition of CRT and LGBTQ+ dogmas to the Bible; the JW’s; the Latter Day Saints….