The Modern Philistine – by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

…“The essence of wisdom for the church at a time like this is to look back into her own history.” When she does this, what will she find? She will find that no revival has ever been known in history that denied the fundamentals of the Christian faith or neglected such vital truths. These truths are constantly buried by “the rubbish of the Philistines.” Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the vital truths and doctrines denied by the Philistines: the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Bible, the doctrine of sin, and the wrath of God. Revival cannot happen without the proclamation of these truths. It is with arrogance, pride, and the tendency to glorify oneself rather than God that stands between us and His mighty blessings of revival.

Why Was Jesus Baptized?: Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

This post contains a 6-minute video by Pastor Sinclair Ferguson, one episode of his podcast, Things Unseen. His 5 episodes of last week were about various aspects of baptism. He was focusing on the deeper meaning of baptism which did not get into the common areas of dispute among believers. He said something in this video that I had not heard in the 20 years I’ve been a Christian, as he explained how it is that Jesus’ baptism is a picture of the gospel. In the process, he explained what the reformers meant when they called believers to ‘improve’ their baptism.

How the Online Pornography Epidemic Is Creating a Generation of Dopamine Addicts: Clare Morell – Epoch Times: American Thought Leaders

“What we have to understand about p*rnography is that it literally rewires the brain,” says Clare Morell, senior policy analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “Their prefrontal cortex—which is that part of our brain responsible for our self control, our impulse control, emotional regulation—isn’t fully developed till the age of 25.” Morell is an advocate for child protection and a leading voice in the conversation about digital safety. She’s also the author of the forthcoming book, “The Tech Exit: A Manifesto for Freeing Our Kids.” [This post contains a 55 second video teaser for the American Thought Leaders’ interview and a link to watch the entire 45-minute broadcast; also, highlights of the initial half hour of the interview.]

Finnish Christian MP to appear before Supreme Court over ‘hate crime’ Bible tweet

This post contains a brief article by The Christian Institute about a Finnish politican’s 5-year battle against charges of hate speech. If you’re a Christian or just a person who is sick of the woke culture and its attempts to silence those who do not comply with its demands, then you will find reason to be encouraged by the stance Dr Räsänen has taken for the Bible and free speech.

Franklin Graham shares the Gospel with thousands after previously being cancelled

I heard a video on YouTube about Graham having been cancelled in the UK and found this article when I was looking for articles on that topic.  Below, you will find that Graham had been cancelled from speaking at several venues in the UK in 2020 because of his Christian beliefs on marriage and sexuality. After winning lawsuits for having been discriminated against, he was permitted to speak at the following venue. Three other articles from The Christian Institute about victories for free speech are linked to this post.

Franklin Graham’s border tour draws 20,000 signers demanding its cancelation – RNS

The article of this post is from Religious News Service, it is about Reverend Graham being cancelled, prohibited from completing certain scheduled stops on his religious tour. The Liberal religious group that collected over 20K signatures to cancel Graham calls themselves, “Faithful America.” They are a “Social Justice Ministry.” Social justice and biblical justice are two very different concepts….

Detailed Health Update By John MacArthur HIMSELF | August 13, 2024

Dr. MacArthur provided details about his operation and recovery; he also talked about some current ministry plans, even though he is too weak to presently return to the pulpit…. [I began listening to Pastor John MacArthur the year I was converted and every day for a decade and a half or so. I love this man of God as do probably millions of others. Hearing him talk about his ministry, current plans and some remarks about the past, was very moving for me. God truly has worked mightily through him.] 

Franklin Graham Blasts ‘Evangelicals for Harris’

The article in this post was copied and pasted from American Faith. One statement in the article was from X, it noted that those evangelicals that are for Harris are apostate…. [Harris is a Marxist leftist democrat; Marxism sees the state as being ‘god’ and basically mocks the God of the Bible; so statements in the article about her affiliation with Christianity cannot be taken seriously by anyone who understands these things about her and her chosen running mate.]

Concealed Carry Coverage

I saved the following video to my computer as I will be again buying carry insurance due to the laws in our country that favor criminals and other reasons that should be apparent to anyone who watches real news. I wanted to let others know about a carry coverage that I am going to try. I used to have the company that the vlogger critiques…. For those who want some information about that, check out this 8-minute video.

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