Morning and Evening Thoughts for July 25 – C H Spurgeon

Today, Spurgeon’s first meditation was about dealing with temptations to lust; his second, about dealing with afflictions in life that God sends believers; and why He sends them. This post contains a link to a post on Jonathan Edwards, therein, necessary information about how Edwards was able to live an obedient life is noted; born-again believers must come to the same realizations he came to, before obedience is possible

The Heavenly Race – C H Spurgeon

This post contains a 7-minute sermon excerpt and the entire sermon. The excerpt contains an exhortation by Spurgeon wherein he suggests that we should think of our race as though we were running from a swordsman that wants to slay us. To which he makes the following points: no one would have to exhort us to run; one would run with all his might; if we had eyes to see, then we’d know that hell pursues us; sin pursues us; evil wants to overtake us; the avenger of death is pursuing us and we should run to the city of refuge with all our might; the gates of that city stand open; Christ is that city; many shall not enter that city. Sermon highlights precede the full-length sermon