This post contains one paragraph from the introduction to the Baha’i Book of Certitude. My purpose is to show readers the basic, but huge errors made by Shoghi Effendi. Biblical text is being used as a standard. Baha’is claim that the Bible is part of the divine revelation of their own faith and they are encouraged to read the Bible.
Day: July 19, 2023
Morning and Evening Thoughts by C H Spurgeon for July 19
Today, Spurgeon’s morning and evening thoughts are about God’s purpose for sending affliction into the believer’s life. If you have been feeling discouraged by hardships and your own failures in your Christian walk, then you could easily find encouragement in his words. You might be more inclined to seek Christ out in His word and prayer, than avoiding Him because of a sense of failure (which seems to mostly be about self-reliance, which God is working to eradicate via affliction).
Once Booming San Francisco Real Estate Market is Now a ‘Disaster’
Several huge hoteliers have given back the keys to the lenders…. Companies including AT&T, Westfield and Nordstrom are among businesses planning to also leave San Francisco’s downtown area. [After the American Faith article, there is a link to a CNN video that covers their concerns regarding community safety and school quality. The crew that made the 5-minute video had their car vandalized and personal belongings stolen even though they hired a security team, they ended the video with footage of that crime.]