A nationwide strike against vaccine mandates will take place from Nov. 8 to Nov. 11, according to the main organizer for the walkout, Leigh Dundas, a human rights attorney and public speaker. The event will kick off in Los Angeles on Monday. The locations of the marches have not yet been disclosed. …from blue-collar to white-collar, black, white, yellow, red, every faith, every creed, who are uniquely united despite their differences on one common truth: that vaccine mandates have no place in a truly free society,” Dundas told The Epoch Times. “Every group: anti-vaccine, BLM, gay, straight, Jewish, Muslim, Native American, Asian, Latino, Christian, atheist—all groups—are coming together for this one historic moment in time—to trumpet not just to our own government, but indeed to the watching eyes of the world, that vaccine mandates will no longer be tolerated. That in this country, WE are the government, because our founding fathers knew this truth: a truly free nation is a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Day: November 8, 2021
Pandemic of the Vaccinated – Epoch Times
Singapore is one of the most vaccinated countries on earth, with 85 percent of the population fully vaccinated. Singapore has soaring rates of infection—almost four times its highest pre-vaccination rates. Deaths are also soaring, to 12 times their pre-vaccination rates. Six months ago, Bloomberg’s COVID Resilience Ranking scale deemed Singapore “the world’s best place to be during Covid.” Today, after becoming highly vaccinated, Singapore ranks 39th, its lowest ever ranking. Ireland is even more heavily vaccinated—92 percent of adults and 89 percent of those over 12 years of age have had two jabs, making it the EU’s most vaccinated jurisdiction. Yet despite the ever-increasing numbers who are doubly vaccinated, infections are surging in Ireland, to the highest rate since March. Within Ireland, the city of Waterford, whose over-18 population is 99.7 percent fully vaccinated, has Ireland’s highest rate of infection. Waterford County, which previously had one of Ireland’s lowest rates of infection, now has one of the highest. Herd immunity based on vaccinations not only has failed to stop the spread, it has also failed to prevent serious outcomes….