The 6 minute Huckabee video in this post covers polls on four issues wherein Americans see the Biden administration missing the mark widely: southern border security; inflation; taxes; and crt. Polls were conducted by Harvard Harris

False Christian teachings, trends….
The 6 minute Huckabee video in this post covers polls on four issues wherein Americans see the Biden administration missing the mark widely: southern border security; inflation; taxes; and crt. Polls were conducted by Harvard Harris
A 5 cent per bullet tax will be proposed in Pennsylvania as part of legislation to be brought forth by two state House Democrats, Rep. Manny Guzman and Rep. Stephen Kinsey. The tax would fund a state police database of ammunition sold in Pennsylvania. The planned legislation would require ammunition manufacturers to encode ammunition provided for retail sale in Pennsylvania, and to provide ammunition serial numbers to the Pennsylvania State Police for the ammunition database. The plan was revealed in a joint memo to the state legislature by Guzman and Kinsey.“Since 2015, only 21% of the nearly 8,500 shootings that Philadelphia has endured have resulted in an arrest or conviction,” the memo said. “Far too often, all that is left for the police to find is a victim and a bullet. By making the bullet a more useable piece of evidence….
Furious Democrats have behaved “childishly” by yelling and pounding their desks while Ohio Republican Jena Powell attempted to speak on an amendment to a state bill banning biological males from female sports. Jena Powell attempted to add an amendment to the Ohio NIL bill – the ‘Name.Image, Likeness’ bill – which allows college athletes to profit off their name, image and likeness. Ms Powell’s amendment would see biological males banned from competing in female sports. The state Republican told the House it was an amendment needed for women trying to achieve their dreams in sport.“ It’s crucial to preserving women’s rights and the integrity of women’s and girls’ sports,” she said. “Across our country, female athletes are currently losing scholarships, opportunities, medals, education and training opportunities.”
Former President Donald Trump on June 30 visited the U.S.–Mexico border for the first time since leaving office and accused Democrats of running a “disinformation campaign” around their border policies. …“They’re getting killed by the border, so now they’re saying, ‘Oh, we’ve got a problem, so let’s blame the sheriffs, let’s blame the governors, let’s blame everybody else but them,” Trump said, describing Democrats’ messaging of late as a “disinformation campaign.” …Since January, Biden has issued dozens of executive orders and memos that rescinded a number of Trump-era policies, while describing them as wasteful, ineffective, and unhumanitarian. …“The real question is, do [Democratic officals] really want open borders, or are they incompetent?” Trump said during the event. Trump had made the construction of a border wall a key campaign promise in 2016. “There’s only two things: you’re either incompetent or for some reason you have a screw loose and you want to have open borders.”
…The supply of money governs inflation. Print it without either greater productivity or more goods and services, and the currency cheapens. Yet, America apparently rejects that primordial truism. The United States is more than $28 trillion in debt—about 130 percent of the country’s annual gross domestic product. The government will run up a $2.3 trillion budget deficit for 2021 after a record $3.1 trillion deficit the year before. The Biden administration still wants to borrow more—another $2 trillion in new social programs and “infrastructure.” …In the crazy past 100 days, the price of everything from lumber, food, and gas to cars and houses has soared. Yet, many interest rates are still stuck at or below 3 percent. Jobs are plentiful; workers are not. Is it a surprise when government handouts discourage the unemployed from taking a pay cut to go back to work? After being freed from 13 months of quarantine, Americans are splurging. But this huge pent-up demand is causing shortages.
Traditionalist and conservative America once was the U.S. military’s greatest defender. …Our top officers reveal inconsistent views on recommended readings, ideological indoctrination, and the use of federal troops during domestic crises. They are selective and partisan in their shrill criticism of particular presidents. Some blast political opponents with inflammatory comparisons to Nazis and fascists. The military’s alienation of Middle America could not happen at a worse time. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea watch in glee at our self-created discord, which threatens to tear apart the most lethal military in the world.
California taxpayers will soon be footing the healthcare bill for older illegal immigrants as part of a recently-approved state budget. The budget deal will guarantee coverage for low-income, undocumented, immigrants older than 50. The plan was initiated by Democrats, who’ve said they want to ensure everyone has healthcare insurance. The coverage, set to take effect in 2022, will cost taxpayers $1.3 billion per year.
Two inexorable energy trends are underway in California: soaring electricity prices and ever-worsening reliability—and both trends bode ill for the state’s low- and middle-income consumers. Last week, the state’s grid operator, the California Independent System Operator, issued a “flex alert” that asked the state’s consumers to reduce their power use “to reduce stress on the grid and avoid power outages.” CAISO’s warning of impending electricity shortages heralds another blackout-riddled summer at the same time California’s electricity prices are skyrocketing. …The surging cost of electricity will increase the energy burden being borne by low- and middle-income Californians. …The report projected that residents living in hotter regions (that is, those who can’t afford to live close to the coast) who get their electricity from San Diego Gas & Electric could see their monthly power bills increase by 47 percent between now and 2030. …The state’s surging energy costs demonstrate the regressive nature of decarbonization policies and how renewable-energy mandates drive up the price of power.