One of the things the Left hates most about the United States of America is that there are 50 of them. A leftist revolution is more easily accomplished in a country in which power is already consolidated in a single place among a small group of people. …For what the gangsters, almost all of them Democrats, learned and imparted to the academics was this: if you could take over the principal city of a given state—Chicago, New York, Detroit, Kansas City, et al.—you could then capture and own the state house and the mechanisms and monies of the state itself. …son of a bootlegger in Boston become president John F. Kennedy. A capstone was the presidency of William Jefferson Blythe III, better known as Bill Clinton, who learned the use and abuse of power growing up in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he sat at the feet of the “retired” New York City gangster Owney Madden….