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Doreen Virtue’s Conversion Testimony From The New Age To Christianity

In the 8 minute video below, Doreen Virtue talks about how God’s Spirit convicted her of being a false teacher via a sermon by Alistair Begg. You will see parts of his sermon and hear of her former false New Age teaching.

The following caption is from Doreen Virtue’s YouTube site, it described the following video about her conversion. The video gives an option to view on YouTube, if you do, then there will be a lot of other videos on similar topics, some by Doreen; there may be videos of interest about other false systems.

“In January 2015, Doreen Virtue was listening to her car radio and heard a sermon by Pastor Alistair Begg about false prophets. Doreen recognized that she matched the description of a false prophet, and she began going to church. In early 2017, she began studying the Bible. When she read Deuteronomy 18:10-12, which lists the sinful activities of the new age, Doreen repented and gave her life to our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Doreen has renounced her previous work, and she prays for the day when other people will stop selling her old products. If she was self-published, the old products would have been taken off the market immediately. Unfortunately, other companies have licenses to the old products and they continue to sell them. In the meantime, Doreen posts regularly on social media, messages for new agers to destroy her old products and leave the New Age behind, and give their lives to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

This video is from a new Christian streaming television, movie, and documentary station, and was filmed at Pastor Alistair Begg’s office. To listen to Pastor Begg’s sermons, please visit You can download the free Truth for Life app and the American Gospel TV (AGTV) app to watch on your mobile devices.”


Why Doreen Virtue Left the New Age to Follow Jesus


For other posts in this blog on false religious teachers, see CATEGORIES: Prosperity Preachers; Paganism / Neo Paganism; Mysticism; Beth Moore; Brian McLaren; Man-centered Spirituality; and Unbiblical Teachers.

The following link is to Doreen Virtue’s video page at YouTube, she has a lot of conversion stories of others who also left the New Age:

Featured Image: Captured from video

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