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Baha’i Progressive Revelation Shown to be Irrational

This post is about the foundational tenet of the Baha’i Faith, progressive revelation. Herein, a linked 22 page pdf shows the Biblical redemptive plan as it unfolds across the Old and New Testaments by way of covenants.  This redemptive history clearly indicates that Abraham, Moses and Christ all belong to Christianity; and that said history was completed in the realization of the new covenant that was inaugurated via the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and His eternal gospel. In other words, three of the proposed Baha’i manifestations must be removed from their lineup. That gaping hole undermines the integrity of the theory of progressive revelation. In addition to this major flaw, several other irrational aspects of the Baha’i theory are revealed via the presentation of elemental Biblical truths.

Baha’i progressive revelation made sense to me when I was a Baha’i, 1979-1983.  But at that time, I had not studied the other world religions, nor had I read through the Bible. So, my understanding of God and other religions was very limited. I had never seriously contemplated God, or how God might reveal Himself to mankind; and their claim that God used the world religions to progressively reveal Himself to mankind seemed reasonable. It also justified their claim to be the current religion that God was using to instruct mankind, enabling spiritual and social evolution. However, after having read through the Bible, I began to question all other religions because the Bible starts at creation and is not yet fulfilled, that will occur at the second coming of Christ–which according to the book of Revelation will be a cataclysmic, world-wide event that will terrify all people of the earth.

The people that presented the Baha’i Faith to me, believed Baha’u’llah (the Baha’i founder) to be Christ returned. I found their kindness and morality  very attractive qualities.  Those qualities likely moved me to believe what they said about Baha’u’llah. I had rejected Christianity because my childhood experience of the church exposed me to many self-righteous and critical people. My Baha’i friends were very easy to be around, I felt accepted, not judged. I presently see that my rationale for accepting the Baha’i Faith was not based on having understood the truth of their claims, but upon emotions related to acceptance.

However, what is presented below is truth from the Bible that undermines Baha’i progressive revelation and the things of the Baha’i faith that depend upon the tenet of progressive revelation. Therefore, if you are like I was, not sure that you have found truth, then what is said below may eliminate your doubts about what truth is and where it is found….

The following are the “manifestations of God” that Baha’i founders claim to have brought God’s revelation to mankind, preceding the current manifestation, Baha’u’llah:  Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad and the Bab.

The points below are reasons that the Baha’i tenet of progressive revelation cannot be true (based on truth from the Bible, not my opinions):

Many more things could likely be said about this foundational aspect of the Baha’i Faith.  What I did say, however, is intended to encourage seekers of truth to look more deeply into this matter. If you are a Baha’i, then you take pride in seeking God and finding truth about Him; I challenge you to read through the Bible.  The linked pdf (directly below) uses Biblical text to show the progression of covenants that began in Genesis 3:15 with a veiled promise, and that did culminate in the eternal gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing the covenants will give you a framework via which you may mentally organize the Bible; it could make one read through the Bible a very meaningful experience.  Furthermore, God may bless you with new birth during your read as He did me. 

Covenant with Bible refs.pdf 4.2.20

[If you are viewing this site on a p.c., then you can download this free pdf; I am not sure that smartphone viewers can. It is much easier to read on a pc anyhow.

I spent at least 6 months writing the pdf for some Baha’i friends, after I prayed three months for an appropriate topic to expound. I had previously waded through most of the religions that are part of Baha’i progressive revelation during my own 15 year search for God; but since being born again, I’ve read through the Bible more than a dozen times which moved me to help other seekers find truth. I have presented this post and the pdf as an act of love. It is truth from the Bible. I pray that all viewers might download it and peruse it. Baha’is ought to be thoroughly acquainted with all the religions that are part of their tenet of progressive revelation so as to ensure that their own writ is accurate, don’t you think? May God bless your studies of His word.]


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***Please see the series on Paganism / Neo-paganism (in categories), it shows how, for example, ONENESS and FEMINISM goals (such as Baha’is promote) are being brought about currently in the western world. 

***Please see the second video in my post on Study Helps (4 minutes long), therein, a preacher explains Justification, a unique doctrine of Christianity addressed under the third bullet above; and the first video in my post on Christian yoga deals with Hinduism and eastern meditation. It provides an overview on Hinduism while addressing other topics; however, therein, you can see just how different Christianity and Hinduism are, 180 degrees apart. Furthermore, the author states that there are only two worldviews in the whole of religion: the eastern worldview characterized by Hinduism wherein man is inherently good and by developing himself, becomes deity; and that of Christianity, wherein man is separate from God, sinful, helpless to change his condition without God’s intervention. Also in that post, I recommend a study by Dr. Peter Jones, Only Two Religions.   In that study, Jones basically describes these two worldviews, using different information than Matriciana. One last point, these two world views may be manifestations of the two messages that are described in the Bible: the truth and the lie.  

***Christian Worldview by R. C. Sproul: in 12 twenty minute dvd lectures (on two discs), Sproul succinctly explains the following philosophies that make up the worldviews of people in the western world: Secularism; existentialism; humanism; pragmatism; positivism; pluralism / relativism; and hedonism. He then discusses them as they impact science, economics, government, art and literature. Knowing these philosophies enables one to have deeper insight into his own worldview and that of the religion he subscribes to…it is well worth the time. See to purchase a copy. 

***My posts: See, categories, Christian Walk: Decisionism vs the Doctrines of Regeneration, Repentance / Faith; Can One Find God by Seeking Him? Both of these posts provide scriptural support to indicate that it is not possible to go on a quest for God and to find Him. The Bible’s chief characters could not do so, and it is naive to believe that we can. I provided excerpts from scripture for many of the chief characters of the Bible; and for Christ’s means of building His church. 

***Dvd, The Bible – Jeremiah (Patrick Dempsey plays Jeremiah); and The Bible stories: Abraham (Richard Harris and Barbara Hershey star). These movies portray some of the historical events discussed in the covenant document reasonably accurately; and are helpful in understanding how God worked through Abraham and his prophets in His dealings with Israel. These dvds are each around $10 on Amazon.



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