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The Magnificat 3 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The Magnificat 3 (Remastered)

The sermon of this post is from the YouTube site, MLJTrust.

A sermon by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Luke 1.46-55…

MLJ Christmas sermons playlist    • God With Us (Remastered)  

“You can’t be a Christian without being aware of the fact that God is dealing with you, is concerned about you, is doing something to you. God’s got his hands upon you.” ―Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Luke 1.46-55 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and…

Sermon Description [by MLJTrust]:

Have you come face-to-face with the real purpose of the Gospel? Has it made any vital difference to you? It’s meant to change everything.

Listen in as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches from Luke 1:46-55 and talks about the dangers of being unaffected by the Gospel, and what response and reaction it ought to invoke.

“To be a Christian means that we have had an experience of the grace of God; that is essential Christianity.”

Diving into Mary’s Magnificat, we see the recounting of her response to God’s work; in a sense this was the first Christian experience. More than an amazement that she would have a child was the realization of what God was doing on a larger scale.

Christianity is, “the life of God in the souls of men.” It is about what God does to us, not what we have done. The mark of a Christian is the experience of God’s grace, but this does not look exactly the same for everyone.

Search yourself to see if, “The One who made you at the beginning is making you again.”

Assurance is not in a feeling of entitlement to be forgiven, but rather in one who is immensely conscience of his own unworthiness. God’s mercy is on those who fear Him.


Sermon Breakdown [by MLJTrust]:

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