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Spiritual Warfare: 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5

I’ve been reviewing this passage this past week and thought I would post the highlights of Albert Barnes commentary on it. It is a powerful passage and I am likely not the only one who forgets to consider many of these points in my daily struggle against the world the flesh and the Devil.

2 Cor. 10: 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ [ESV 2011].

I copied and pasted the commentary from the website, Bible Hub which has many Bible versions, commentaries, Bible dictionaries…and it is free.

If you use the link, you may read the entirety of Barnes notes, and several other commentaries on this passage. Emboldening and bracketed statements are mine:

So, when Christ spoke of self-denial; and when the apostle Paul spoke of spiritual warfare, the aforementioned is what they were referring to.

It is stated above, and I am discovering that if I do not abide in God’s means of grace (Bible reading; prayer; hearing preaching; Christian fellowship and the Lord’s supper), then the aforementioned is impossible because I am not in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I would then be aloof in my relationship with Him and likely grieving Him.

In such instances, it seems that He allows me to find out how ineffective my warfare is in my own strength.

It seems that when one wants to submit to Christ, his first action should be to pray for the strength and religious affections he needs to abide in the appointed means of grace; then the points of encouragement above become a possibility.

I think that the Holy Spirit spends a lot of time showing Christians their idolatry; the poor use of time; their selfishness…such things that indicate they are not yet submitted to Christ; such things that keep them falling into sin; such things that might provide much self-understanding (of depravity, self-reliance, etc.), and a greater appreciation and love of God because of His mercy, longsuffering and grace.


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