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Romans 12:21  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good – Dr. James Boice

The video of this post came from the YouTube site, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

Sermon Title:    The Triumph of Good Over Evil

Jun 16, 2024  The Bible Study Hour

Romans 12:21  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Dr. Boice told the story of John Perkins via Perkins’ own words. Perkins was able to forgive those who had so cruelly treated him and to preach the gospel to them thereafter.

It was hard for me to believe that Perkins experienced such things in 1970. Boice explained how Perkins was enabled by the Holy Spirit to forgive and to preach to Whites and Blacks in Mississippi.

Boice then took a biblical example of such hatred, via the events of King Saul’s persecution of David; he concluded with a couple of points of biblical application for his listeners.


Narrative that accompanied video at YouTube:

John Perkins, a black pastor in 1960’s Mississippi, was unjustly arrested and beaten unmercifully. He saw what hate can do to men, and–in response–Perkins chose to do the seemingly impossible. Join Dr. James Boice on The Bible Study Hour as we hear the pastor’s story and learn how–like him–we can fulfill the Apostle Paul’s directive to “overcome evil with good.”

The late Dr. James Boice was a contemporary and friend of R C Sproul. They both held biblical views clarified by the Protestant Reformation.

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