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Propaganda Defined and Illustrated: One Country’s Success During The Past 70 Years

Below, videos are used to explain why so many powerful, rich americans refuse to speak out against the atrocities committed by Chinese Communist Party, CCP; and four examples of gigantic human rights violations are cited: the coronavirus; current organ harvesting from live people wrongly imprisoned; Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989; and the takeover of Tibet of 1951.

The following several brief videos explain the topics brought up in the last video, an hour-long interview the Epoch Times conducted with Maura Moynihan, an author and journalist for Radio Free Asia.

She goes into detail about CCP propaganda techniques.

She wrote an article published in the Washington Post in 6-8-15, that explains how she became aware of the plight of Tibetans and why she has been concerned with the CCP since the 1970s:

“In 1973 my father, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, was appointed U.S. ambassador to India. We met Tibetan exiles, learned of China’s conquest of Tibet, which enlarged Communist China’s landmass by nearly 50 percent, and poses a security threat to India, with Chinese armies stationed on its Himalayan borders for the first time in history. For many years I worked with Radio Free Asia, and in the 1990s I was a consultant to the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). Founded in Washington in 1988, ICT has for many years been seen as the “voice of Tibet” in Washington. Many Americans donate generously to ICT, with trust that their hard-earned dollars advance ICT’s goal: “Protecting human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Tibet.” But as Tibet burns, it is time to assess whether ICT is achieving its objectives.”

In the interview video below, Moynihan talks about the CCP regarding the coronavirus, Tibet…. She stated that how the CCP controlled the international narrative in their conquest of Tibet is a “case study” of what is presently going on with the coronavirus, as they attempt to blame America. Furthermore, the Tiananmen Square Massacre indicates same. 

There are short videos of each Tibet and Tiananmen.

I thought it best to begin with a Fox News video of Tucker Carlson addressing why the CCP is not confronted by americans of consequence:



The following brief video is about the CCP harvesting the organs of live Chinese who have been imprisoned because they disagree with CCP politics:



The following brief video indicates that other US government officials, besides President Trump are calling for international accountability of the CCP regarding the coronavirus pandemic.



The following brief video was produced by HBO about the CCP, Tibet and China’s economic expansion plans in Asia. This long term expansion plan is happening while the west is sleeping.



The following brief video is about the Tiananmen Square event and cover up by the CCP. It certainly illustrates tactics that are likely being used presently:



The aforementioned brings us to the chief video of this post wherein Maura Moynihan explains the tactics of the CCP in her interview with Epoch Times:



Summary conclusions:

The above videos indicate that the CCP is actively violating human rights and that they are using money to bribe and silence the rich and powerful in America.

Furthermore, based on many of my recent posts on leftist politics, socialism, communism and political correctness, it is clear that the leftist machine in America, the Progressive Party, want to transform America into a socialist nation.

Americans who have leftist leanings need to carefully consider the above videos. Even if you are wealthy and powerful, chances are pretty great that your riches will become state property and your freedom will be lost, along with all the common voters who foolishly elect the progressive party into office. The progressives have a long-term plan, like the HBO video above revealed the CCP to have.

Study Recommendations:

The dvd: There’s No Place Like Utopia:

This movie is a parody of the Wizard of Oz, wherein “filmmaker Joel Gilbert travels across America confronting progressives, and finds out they are regressing. Why did Dorothy follow the yellow brick road?” (Free to Amazon Prime members.)

The parody is spot on because, just like the little, powerless wizard behind the curtain, so are the progressives, when it comes to delivering on their utopian promise.

For other posts on propaganda, see: categories, Propaganda Exposed.

For other posts in this blog about progressive government, see: categories, Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; One World Government; Paganism / Neopaganism.



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