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Kenneth Copeland Exposed

The following 8 minute video provides accurate and succinct coverage of the richest pastor in the world, who happens to be a false teacher.

The second video shows the 20 richest pastors in the world, Copeland is the richest by 600 million dollars. No other pastor comes close.

The following YouTube video is by Polite Leader, subscribe if you want to be informed about false Christian teachers, teachings; mainstream media Christian heresies, etc., the video is not connected to his site, you must go there.



You may be surprised at the pastors on the following video:



The following sermon by Dr. John MacArthur is preached on one of the most significant passages of scripture that focuses on the above topic: the narrow way by which few find life; opposed to the broad way by which many perish.

It is the best sermon I’ve heard on the topic. If you are a member of the modern Pentecostal church, then may God move you to prayerfully listen to it!



Read and study your Bible to be enabled to discern a true teacher / preacher from a counterfeit one. Knowing God’s truth enables one to easily identify counterfeit teaching.





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