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Just Like Abraham – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

Dr. Patrick Ramsey

‘Just like Abraham’ by Pastor Patrick Ramsey

SERMON HIGHLIGHTS [bracketed statements, emboldening and underscoring are mine]:


This next sermon is the latest in Pastor Ramsey’s series, it followed the one above: “The Law is Not Faith:”



The following link is to Pastor Ramsey’s sermons at Sermon Audio; he is preaching a series on Galatians, and is presently about half-way through.

This series contains clear explanations of a few Christian doctrines that are currently, widely misunderstood and/or ignored in the mainstream church.

For example, it is essential to understand exactly what it means to ‘trust’ in Jesus; to ‘rest’ in Jesus’ righteousness, and so on. Why so? Because most of us make the mistakes that the apostle Paul confronts the Galatians about, trusting in our own works in one way or another and THEREBY failing to be saved, as in Matthew 7:21-23.

Even if you read through your Bible yearly and attend church regularly, you are likely to have misunderstood some of the doctrines taught in Galatians.

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