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God’s Refining Process Part 2 of 2

The 4-minute video of this post explains “How God Tests Us.”

In the initial two minutes the metal refining process is explained; then that information is applied to the Christian by explaining the manner and purpose of God’s “testing” process.

The process is outlined in the video and points in a rather matter-of-fact style with concern on identifying the process and its parts. Nothing is said of the emotional pain that the Christian feels in the experience of testing. Newton’s hymn (see part 1) implied that the one going through the testing experiences emotions that are not easy to endure….

There are countless ways in which one could undergo testing by God. Anyone who is born again will be tested, as God will be conforming him / her to the image of His Son.

If you know that testing will occur and know that God’s purpose is to remove your dross and make you more holy, then you may be more inclined to endure the hardship instead of running away.

Highlight points are below the video.

Below highlight points are a few optimistic concluding remarks.


Highlights from the video:


Verse 4 from Newton’s hymn contains a very important biblical concept, that of poverty of spirit and mourning for sin. Those were the foundational points of Jesus beatitude statements beginning in Matthew 5:3.

In many places in the Bible, God calls for people to do those two things; or acknowledges favorably, those who are doing such. See link to Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK) at Bible Hub via the following link:

The great thing about the above points is that the following verse indicates that God is working those two blessed attitudes into the person He is testing. Jesus spoke of those qualities being the most foundational of His kingdom citizen. That is, they are part of the essential description of a kingdom citizen. And they are part of the changes that occur in one who endures God’s testing.

Verse 4-Instead of this He made me feel The hidden evils of my heart And let the angry pow’rs of hell Assault my soul in ev’ry part.

The above is something to find hope in, because God is working spiritual poverty and mourning for sin into you; things you must have….

So, plan to stay and endure testing instead of escaping, avoiding….

The above video is from the YouTube site, Gen U Videos

Narrative that accompanied video at YouTube:

“How God Tests Us”

Most people think that when the Bible says that God tests us that He is checking to see how strong we are…but that’s not what the Bible says at all. See what the test is all about at this gold refinery. For more videos like this, visit

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