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False NAR Teacher, Todd Bentley

Bentley performing a healing, captured from PL's video:

The video linked below is by vlogger, Polite Leader. He explains some of the false teachings of Todd Bentley after discussing his conversion and his rise in the NAR because of the Lakeland Revivals:

Video highlights:

The following link is to Polite Leaders video on Bentley:

Below Polite Leader’s video, from his site:

Polite Leader

Todd Bentley is a dangerous, false teacher. Mr. Bentley is known for his involvement in the Lakeland Revivals, his aggressive healings involving kicking and punching and his bizarre accounts of being demon possessed after his conversion. In this video, I provide an analysis.

False Apostles and the Case of Todd Bentley:…

Link to Polite Leader’s video library:

Featured image is a from Polite Leader’s video

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