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Dispensationalism, History And Theology By Pastor Patrick Hines [Salvation And Eschatology Part 1]

I listened to the following sermon several times because it deals with eschatology and speaks against the pre-tribulation rapture, which I have mostly held since I first read through the Bible.

All I want to say is far too much for one post, so this is going to be a 3-4 part series on dispensationalism, covenant theology, and on the 4 millennial views. I will be using videos from two pastors, Hines and Matthew Everhard.

I think the following teaching by Pastor Hines is a good place to begin because it undermines the dispensational view which has been broadly accepted by evangelicalism.

As I noted the following points, the question of the 1000 years was not explained sufficiently for me via Pastor Hines sermon; but his statements helped me understand that I do not believe in a secret rapture, but a rapture occurring at Christ’s 2nd coming, at which time He will also judge the world.  Also, his explanations of dispensationalists and their unbiblical theories helped me see the clear difference between dispensationalism and covenant theology.

I believe in covenant theology after having written a document on Bible covenants to argue with Baha’is about their unbiblical beliefs that Abraham, Moses and Christ were leaders of 3 different world religions – the Bible links them via the covenant of redemption which began in Abraham and had its consummation in Christ, the New Covenant in His blood. [The document I wrote is linked for those who might want to learn about the biblical covenant of redemption as it progressed in both the Old and New Testaments.]

[Also, my reading of The Work Of The Holy Spirit by the late Abraham Kuyper, Professor of systematic theology at University of Amsterdam helped me to believe in covenant theology. Therein, he focused on the work of the Holy Spirit since creation, especially as it involves the people of God, work which began with the patriarch Abraham. The book was way above me, but after reading through it twice, I did grasp basic truths about the plan of redemption via covenants. Kuyper’s book is available on kindle for phone / pc $3 at Amazon.]

The following points are only HIGHLIGHTS, many points, explanations, illustrations are missing and if you want to understand the following material, it would benefit you to listen to his message. I linked his sermon audio messages, of which this message is one part.

[Bracketed statements, emboldening and underscoring are mine]:



The following narrative is from the YouTube site, Christian Sermons and Audio Books, where I first heart pastor Hines.

Dispensationalism History & Theology – Pastor Patrick Hines

[Pastor Hines Church link]

▶️Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church

Pastor Hines sermons related to the above message, at Sermon Audio (10 other sermons including one on the covenant of Grace and several on aspects of dispensationalism):

22-page pdf I wrote on Bible covenants to illustrate the biblical redemptive plan and to show members of the Baha’i Faith that Abraham, Moses and Christ all belong to the church as is seen as one reads across the Old and New Testaments:

Covenant with Bible refs.pdf 4.2.20

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