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Democratic Governed Cities Implode

Laura Ingraham, of Fox News, visited riot torn Minneapolis to speak with citizens that had been impacted by protests, riots, fires, and luting.

The following short excerpt provides a great assessment of how democratic mayors and governors conduct their affairs, as we have been seeing for the past several months on the news (if you watch Fox or some credible news outlet); she also looked at Chicago.



While I was watching this excerpt, I was reminded of a post I did on school shootings, on 9 February 2020; the father of a school-shooting victim, spent a lot of time investigating the problems that led to the shooting death of his daughter, and discovered that the shooter had been talked to by the sheriff’s department 40 some times and his irresponsible behavior had not been dealt with.

That victim’s father, blamed democratic policies that established the criteria by which that sheriff agency conducted their investigations… for the failure of the system to protect his daughter.

This is not an isolated incident regarding the failure of democratic, soft on crime policies, regarding the loss of school children’s lives to shooting sprees.

That post is linked below if you should want to hear what he and others discovered to be true about that school shooting: Parkland School, Florida.

Democratic lawmakers have consistently diverted the focus from their irresponsible policies to gun control on all the school shooting incidents; and the leftist fake news media has consistently supported them.


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