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Climate Change; Some Factual Graphics That Undermine The Left’s Narrative

Sky News host Rowan Dean says satellite data has revealed global warming has mostly occurred below the predicted average of over 100 climate change models.


Outsiders Weather and Ice Age Watch: Satellite data shows up climate forecasts

Sky News also talked about climate change via a Project Veritas video on CNN and their next narrative:

Narrative from SKY NEWS:

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says US media company CNN is “effectively just a propaganda machine for the left” after Project Veritas caught a network director “boasting about how the network engaged in propaganda”. “Their focus unashamedly was to remove Donald Trump from office. They did this in a two-pronged attack. Firstly, they would concoct stories about Trump to portray him in a negative light and then present images of Biden as a strong and vigorous individual,” he said. “This is clearly more evidence you simply cannot trust what is presented to you by the mainstream media. They are partisan cheerleaders. They create a narrative that suits their agenda. And believe me, it is an agenda. “This is another case of the left’s application of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in action; you accuse your opponents of what you are guilty of.” Sky News contributor Gemma Tognini told Mr Bernardi “everything about a news organisation is about its reputation” and its credibility.


'This is clearly more evidence you cannot trust the mainstream media'


About half way through the above video, the news anchor mentioned Rules For Radicals, a book by Saul Alinsky that is the handbook, so to speak, of the democratic left. Hillary and Barack were disciples of Alinsky and the left practices his strategies. If you want a little bit of information about the book and Alinsky’s strategies, then check out the two following links:

The following link is to a two-page post on Alinsky’s book, the post ties Hillary and Barack to Alinsky:

Rules for Radicals

The following link is to a post in this blog that summarized democratic strategies, from the above two-page article; the strategies rely on vehement lying; creating community activists via duplicity… which aim at bringing down the US such that it can be turned into a socialist utopian society:

For other such posts, see CATEGORIES: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed; Fraud; Censorship….

When searching categories on this blog, you should go to the oldest post in the category and work forward.


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