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What the Media Don’t Tell You About Biden’s Illegal Immigration Crisis | Larry Elder

The following article was copied and pasted from my Epoch Times electronic subscription to display their reporting and concern for truth and facts and to provide a perspective not possible by big media and social media, as they only publish the leftist state approved narrative devoid of facts:

What the Media Don’t Tell You About Biden’s Illegal Immigration Crisis | Larry Elder

Once upon a time, President Joe Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border crisis—what the Biden administration is calling a “challenge.” Back during the Democratic presidential debates, Biden said he would make sure a surge would happen at the border. As of today, Border Patrol has intercepted nearly 180,000 people trying to illegally cross the border, not to mention the many others who got away. Meanwhile, the mayor of Del Rio, Texas, is pleading with the Biden administration to put a halt to releasing immigrants in their city, saying they don’t have the resources to house and accommodate migrants. In this episode, Larry suggests that this crisis would have ended yesterday if illegal aliens-turned-citizens-turned-voters pulled the lever overwhelmingly for Republicans.


What The Media Don’t Tell You About Biden's Illegal Immigration Crisis | Larry Elder


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