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Trump’s Presidency Brought The Following Things Out Into The Open

Even though I am in my late 60s, I never had an interest in following politics until I saw Obama and the Democratic Party celebrating abortion like their team just won the super bowl. I was born again in 2005, and had read through the Bible a few times by then, so I was becoming more sensitive to anti-God things in society, and seeing such things everywhere, even in the church.

Because of Obama, I began paying more attention to politics. I voted against Hillary; and I gradually began to pay attention to how Trump was performing in office.

Trumps politically incorrect speech, his nationalistic policies, foreign policies…and the media’s hatred of him, caused many anti-Christ and God, anti-conservative things to come out into the open.

I believe that I never would have seen the following things had Trump not been elected; that is, his ways forced things to be visible, and once I saw a glimpse of these, I began looking for deeper understanding and was led to the following discoveries:

The above impromptu list is probably missing many other discoveries the Trump presidency enabled me to realize; I should have been making a list as they occurred to me.

These things, however, have caused me great anxiety; and that anxiety has shown me that I had been trusting in Trump, more than in God. As a Christian, that is totally unacceptable.

This is God’s world and He is the sovereign ruler of it. Whatever occurs is permitted by Him. And I am quite familiar with the Bible – the epistles and the Revelation state that society will unravel once the Holy Spirit relaxes His restraint of evil.

Could that be why evil has broken out in the open so forcefully? I have to conclude that it is; at least, I have to quit going about as though I can fix these problems by my vote; or that even if Trump were re-elected, these problems could be resolved. Because God’s agenda states that they will not be resolved; this world is rapidly moving towards judgment day, and I may live to see it, while I am on top of the earth.

To learn more about the above topics from the posts in this blog, see Categories: Social Justice / Identity Politics; Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Paganism / Neo Paganism; and Gospel Message.

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