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Trump Election Defense Team Hearing, With PA Legislature 11-27-20

The meeting today, between former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his team, and the PA legislature about voting irregularities, wherein a dozen witness testimonies were heard, lasted over 3 hours.

Below, I listed the types or irregularities that witnesses testified about during the initial 80 minutes; I had already listened through the meeting and the initial half of the meeting heard the most significant testimonies. A link to the full video is at the end of this post.

Below the hearing talk points, there is a 6 minute video excerpt of the final minutes of the meeting, they were very optimistic and encouraging for those patriots who testified, and are fighting, praying…for accountability in the 6 swing states, and regarding the election machine scam.

The initial 7 witnesses with a brief bio, are as follows:

The video excerpt below is of the final 5 minutes or so of the hearing. The remarks are hopeful and encouraging.



The following link is to the 3 hour 15 minute video of the above hearing:

Twitter froze Doug Mastriano’s account today, his words in the above video excerpt were likely part of their rationale for doing so. Twitter, facebook and google are working so hard to silence conservative voices, which includes born-again Christians.

For other similar posts, see Categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Social Justice / Identity Politics; Propaganda Exposed.

Featured Image: NPS photo  [The following words were the script under the Liberty Bell photo.]

During your visit, be sure to talk to our knowledgeable park rangers to hear the story of the Liberty Bell.  The building also offers self-guided exhibits about this now famous symbol of liberty.

[The 2020 election revealed how far PA and this country have fallen morally. I heard someone say recently, that the constitution is a document established to guide a nation who believes in God – God has been rejected by most of the people of this nation. Our godlessness seems to be at the root of these election problems; furthermore, the embracing of Marxism by so many (that ideology mocks God and His followers); the democratic platform of wickedness embraced by so many; the material prosperity we have known for 75+ years…have made us turn from God, and trust in science and our own wisdom – see Romans 1 for the outcome of such a people.]
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