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True Grace Distinguished from the Experience of Devils: a sermon by Jonathan Edwards

The 46 minute video below is a sermon of Jonathan Edwards’ copyrighted by William Carson, 1994.

Edwards’ well-known book, The Religious Affections, goes into great depth distinguishing between holy, saving affections (emotions, feelings), and those commonly experienced that are not a genuine part of the experience of saving faith.

He was a preacher and a philosopher who lived during the great awakenings of 1735 and 1740. During those awakenings, many were apparently converted — based on their ecstatic displays of emotion…;yet, in time a lot of those fell away from the faith.

Edwards began to study the differences between those who continued in the way of faith and those who fell away.

I don’t need to go on explaining his book, I only briefly spoke of it because the following sermon parallels his book; it distinguishes between true and counterfeit experiences of conversion; affections related to conversion, etc.

The problem that Edwards wrote about in the 1740s, is still a problem in 2019. In fact, it may presently be a bigger problem. As so many preachers have diluted the gospel message via decisionism (as though the signing of a card could take the place of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, as in John 3, e.g.); by prosperity preaching; the market driven church; the purpose driven church; the mystical church…. (For posts on these, see categories: Doctrine; Prosperity Preachers; Mysticism.)

Does anyone know where I can find a biblical church?



Yes, God describes it in His word. Read the Bible to know how do recognize a biblical church from all other types of churches. Don’t follow the signposts that society erects!

You may not believe what I just said if you haven’t been abiding in scripture; or if you have never read through the Bible.

If you read through the Bible, and continue to do so, you will largely agree with the aforementioned. My first read through the Bible enabled me to see many unbiblical influences around me in the church. (For an example of the power of God’s word, see, categories, LGBT, to hear the conversion story of a lesbian college professor who read through the Bible twice to write against it.)

Knowing biblical truth enables one to discern counterfeit religion. One cannot discern lies, false teaching…if he doesn’t know God’s truth, true teaching.





***The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards. I found this to be a very hard read and had to listen through it a couple of times before I understood his manner of presenting his ideas. I found it easier to grasp if I listened and followed along via the text.

***The Truth War by Dr. John MacArthur. This book provides much insight into the undermining of biblical truth via postmodernism and the emergent church. I consider it a necessary read for anyone striving to live a biblical Christian life amid all of the doctrinal chaos in the church today.



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