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The War on Farmers and Food – The New American

The following video was copied and pasted from The New American Rumble site:

“Farmers and ranchers in the United States and across the world are under assault. Globalists are targeting their efficient practices, their land, and their way of life. But this war goes beyond ag producers — it is a war on food, and thereby a war on you. In this episode of The New American TV, we expose the globalists’ assault on food and talk to John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn about what we need to do to win.

In the second half of the show, The New American magazine senior editor Veronika Kyrylenko interviews attorney Tom Renz, who discusses mRNA in the food supply.”

Highlights for the initial 20 minutes of video:



Sri Lanka is experiencing problems that we too will likely have if the left is able to continue their agenda against farmers:

One article about that matter from the web:

Sri Lanka faces ‘man-made’ food crisis as farmers stop planting

Once self-sufficient nation reels from fall-out of ill-conceived shift to organic agriculture, compounded by fuel shortages.

The following link is to The New American; at this link you are able to read articles and watch TV news:

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