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The Swamp Is Real: FBI Sends ‘Clear Message’ To Trump and His Supporters, Congressman States
The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is an escalation of an ongoing attack on anyone who dares to upset the political status quo in Washington, according to Congressman Warren Davidson (R-Ohio).
“I think a lot of my constituents were shocked, frankly, across the political spectrum. But obviously, the more supportive of President Trump, the more upset they were,” Davidson told The Epoch Times and NTD as part of a special report on the raid airing on Aug. 11 on Epoch TV at 9pm.
“I think for anyone who doubted that there was a swamp when Donald Trump was saying ‘drain the swamp’ now I think there’s true believers. So it’s historic.”
In support of his statement, Davidson pointed out that the FBI consists of the same people who spent three to four years supporting a Russia collusion narrative based on a falsified warrant.

More concerning, according to Davidson, the FBI has wholly stopped its objectivity pretense.
Davidson told The Epoch Times that Lois Lerner, Sandy Berger, and even Hillary Clinton, allegedly mishandled and destroyed classified information but avoided raids by the FBI.
He then pointed out that the FBI has taken no action on Hunter Biden, despite a mountain of evidence.
Davidson added, “no accountability for Hunter Biden, no action on that; no action on any number of things that they could have taken action on, like for example, targeting of Supreme Court justices.”
He added it is really hard to believe the FBI is objective.
Davidson says the message the FBI is sending is clear, “Hey, if you support the cause, we got your back. But if you’re working against us, as Chuck Schumer promised Donald Trump, they have six ways to Sunday to wreck you.
“And they seem to have been very focused on doing that to Donald Trump.”
Davidson added the FBI isn’t just targeting Trump. It’s also targeting his supporters.
“[The FBI] seize the chairman of the Freedom Caucus’ phone. They didn’t do it in a no-knock warrant raid in the middle of the night with CNN cameras staged in the street or anything. But they did track him down.”
Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), the chairman in question, got his phone back but, according to Davidson, the FBI tracking Perry down was deliberately intended to paint him as a criminal.
Furthermore, the message from the FBI is if they can target people like Trump and Perry, imagine what they could do to an everyday American.
“I think they’re trying to intimidate and scare people from, you know, being supportive of Trump or being too opposed to the status quo. You know stay within the mainstream, don’t push back against the status quo,” Davidson said.
The response to the FBI raid from Americans who support Trump has been overwhelmingly negative, Davidson said.
As for escalation, Davidson said he hopes it doesn’t go beyond anger into illegal actions and sticks to energizing people to vote.
However, he added that Trump supporters are rightly upset with the hypocrisy in the FBI’s raid and how they’re expected to respond.
“If this opposite had happened to a Democrat president, you know, we might have more of the summer of 2020, where it’s covered on the presses [as] ‘mostly peaceful protests,’ but we know that mostly peaceful means it wasn’t peaceful.”
Davidson then acknowledged that Trump supporters are very aware of how they’ll be targeted if they protest against the latest treatment of Trump.
“But if [their support] was the slightest bit of anything, that was run afoul the, you know, the mainstream media and, frankly, many of our federal agencies would treat it as … some sort of, you know, violent uprising by the Right and so I think people on the Right are cautious.”
Still, Davidson said more violent uprisings are possible because of the rampant injustice in the justice system.
He added he hopes it doesn’t come to that but acknowledged a growing frustration among Republicans over the two-tier justice system.
“Unfortunately, this reinforces it because the people that we’ve suspected had no accountability, like the Clinton Foundation, as an example, like Hunter Biden.
“But then very selectively accountability … for [former] president Trump.”
Holding the FBI Accountable
Davidson stated that when (and if) Republicans take control of the House in November, they need to step up and not just hold hearings on the FBI’s actions.
“We are going to have to cut off funds and say, ‘Hey, we … don’t want to shut the government down. We want to fund our government. But we’re unwilling to fund a government that does these things or fails to do these other things.’”
Davidson said the FBI is not objective or applying justice objectively, which goes back to the Clinton presidency.
He adds there was hope that Christopher Wray would return the FBI to a non-partisan agency, but that hasn’t happened.
“On the contrary, every step seems more focused on undermining the confidence of ordinary Americans.”
But, if “you’ve got the far Left of the Democratic Party’s agenda in mind, the FBI seems to have your back,” Davidson said.
He added that the problem with the FBI is that it’s “incredibly powerful” and Republicans can’t try to hold them accountable halfway; they need to “get after that in a very serious way.”
Davidson said he wants to be fair to the working men and women at the FBI, but said Republicans need to acknowledge that top FBI leadership is corrupt, as is “the IRS, banking regulators, all the EPA, all these agencies, Securities and Exchange Commission,” and they’re abusing their power.
He concluded of Democrats, “The far Left has really gotten a firm grip on the administrative state.
“They’ve used the influence over the administrative state to get a firm grip into much of corporate America. So it’s almost like there’s collusion between these government agencies and the top level.
“No one loves big government, like big business, and so some of our biggest businesses are also working in concert with these biggest regulatory agencies.”