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The Passover [a ‘type’ of the New Covenant in Christ’s Blood] – R C Sproul [Part 3]

The title of the following video at the YouTube site, Ligonier Ministries, was,

The Passover: Dust to Glory with R.C. Sproul [Links to Ligonier are at end of post]

Narrative from Ligonier’s YouTube site regarding the video in this post:

“The Passover is a day of central importance in Israel’s history. To bring about the redemption of His people from slavery in Egypt, God provided them a means of escaping the wrath He would pour out on the land. The blood of a lamb was to cover the doorposts of Israel’s dwellings, displaying God’s merciful protection of His people from the judgment to come. In this message, R.C. Sproul discusses the significance of the Passover and how it foreshadows the redemption accomplished by Jesus, the Lamb of God.”

This is part three of my series that aims at showing the intimate connections between the Old and New Testaments because of the covenants God made with Abraham, Moses and Christ.

This post was not planned when I started this series, but the video came to me in my YouTube feed today, because I subscribe to Ligonier’s YT channel. The video is extremely relevant to the thesis of my series. In it, Sproul speaks of typology and says much about Gods wrath and His mercy that can be seen in the Passover and in the New Covenant.

Teachers like Sproul help Bible students realize that there has only every been one means of salvation since the fall in Genesis 3; and that means is by the grace of God in Christ. That is a point which the apostle Paul makes clear in Galatians, also see Romans 4 and Hebrews.

Highlights points are below the 24-minute teaching video:

HIGHLIGHT points [any bracketed statements, underscoring or emboldening are mine]:

Narrative and links from Ligonier Ministries YouTube site:

The Passover: Dust to Glory with R.C. Sproul

Ligonier Ministries LINKS:

Video-page link:

Playlist-page link:

This message is from Dr. Sproul’s 57-part teaching series overview of the Bible: Dust to Glory. Learn more:…

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