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Psalm 32: The Joy of Forgiveness – Psalm 51 [series] with R.C. Sproul

The following video is from the YouTube site, Ligonier Ministries

Video-page link:

“Everyone who truly repents of his or her sins receives the grace of God’s forgiveness and enjoys the delight of restored fellowship with Him. In this message, R.C. Sproul shows how Psalm 32 helps us grasp the unspeakable joy of forgiveness in Christ.” [Ligonier’s description]

Psalm 32: The Joy of Forgiveness – Psalm 51 with R.C. Sproul

Lesson HIGHLIGHTS  [NOTE: the following highlights do not convey R C Sproul’s expertise in clarifying the concepts herein, all the things he said brought much clarity, only the high points are noted below. If you want to understand these essential and foundational Christian doctrines, please read and listen. Much of the church today does not speak of repentance, or of essential doctrines…]:



Link to Psalm 51, 8-part series, of which the above video is part 8:

This message is from Dr. Sproul’s 8-part teaching series Psalm 51. Learn more [to all series]:


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