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Psalm 12:4 Those who say, With our tongues we prevail; our lips are our own [to command at our will]—who is lord and master over us?

Psalm 12: 1-8, The Amplified Bible:

HELP, LORD! For principled and godly people are here no more; faithfulness and the faithful vanish from among the sons of men.

To his neighbor each one speaks words without use or worth or truth; with flattering lips and double heart [deceitfully] they speak.

May the Lord cut off all flattering lips and the tongues that speak proud boasting,

Those who say, With our tongues we prevail; our lips are our own [to command at our will]—who is lord and master over us?

Now will I arise, says the Lord, because the poor are oppressed, because of the groans of the needy; I will set him in safety and in the salvation for which he pants.

The words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times over.

You will keep them and preserve them, O Lord; You will guard and keep us from this [evil] generation forever.

The wicked walk or prowl about on every side, as vileness is exalted [and baseness is rated high] among the sons of men.

End Psalm 12

Please pray that someone in authority will take the mountain of voter fraud seriously and prohibit those deceitful actors from taking office.

Perhaps God has not given us over to destruction for turning away from Him?

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