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Propaganda / Truth / Epistemology / Brainwashing: Paganism, part 11

The oneness movement, that is changing politics and spirituality in the USA, is unfolding at warp speed before our eyes. Millennials seem to be naively imbibing deeply. They do not remember history or are not interested?

We are all drowning in a sea of lies which render decision making difficult.

What is at stake?

The democratic way of life and the Christian worldview (the family, morality, religious social agencies…), are two very significant casualties of the oneness movement.

The first, of four 11 minute videos below defines propaganda and the means via which it is employed: (Vlogger: Academy of Ideas, YouTube)



The second video is extremely important to anyone who thinks that socialism is a good plan.

Our progressive party is pushing hard to make the USA a socialist nation. They have spoken of the positives, e.g.: free college, a new health-care plan…. But what of the negatives?

This video is an overview of the life of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who lived under communism. Listen carefully, because socialism may be coming soon to a neighborhood near you! That is, if americans don’t educate themselves about its harsh realities and vote carefully against anyone standing for it; then they may find that their weapons are confiscated and their property has been made part of the “collective,” as is Russia. 

Furthermore, note that the term “progressive” is a self-identifying term used by political and religious adherents of the diverse ideologies discussed in this series on paganism.

Solzhenitsyn noted that those who favor socialism, who have not lived under such a government, cannot know the horrors of it; i.e., in theory it sounds very good, fairbut in reality, it is cruel, oppressive…imprisoning those in its grip, their bodies, souls and minds.

Since these United States of America are on the brink of becoming a socialist nation. Please spend 11 minutes of your time and hear some of Solzhenitsyn’s observations from his extensive, first hand experience of socialism.



Did you note that Solzhenitsyn spoke about evil, lies, truth? His real experience of socialism was such that he was exposed to these realities.

In this country, postmoderns naively believe that everyone can have his own truth, that there is no evil…I am certain that the many people who experienced what Solzhenitsyn did, would perceive postmoderns as utterly self-deluded people.

One last point about the above video, as a student of the Bible, I observed that the words he used to describe his reality, align with Biblical truth; they are a far cry from the socially-constructed lies on which the western world presently feeds.

The next video is about epistemology, about how we acquire knowledge. We live amid a sea of media propaganda in the USA, it is very important that people know how to go about finding knowledge that is not spun by some agent of propaganda. I think that anything one knows about how knowledge is acquired may be of assistance in arriving at truth.



The last video is about brainwashing. You have likely heard of it, do you have 10 minutes to ensure you have correct information about it and how it is employed that you might avoid being controlled?



In closing, I want to emphasize that the oneness movement is a big machine, perpetuated by political propaganda and religious lies. It is succeeding because historical events have knocked the spiritual and intellectual wind from the masses; and they have been in a stupor: the despair many experienced after the atrocities of the world wars made it clear that their former optimism amounted to self-delusion.

R. C. Sproul, in his teaching series, The Consequences of Ideas (a study of the history of philosophies from antiquity to date), notes that philosophies of purposelessness began to grow in popularity during the 1950s: existentialism, for example.

Since men rejected the God of the Bible and the Christian worldview during the 19th century, they were left feeling helpless, purposeless…after they discovered it was impossible for them to build the utopian dream they had planned to erect with their newly found scientific knowledge.

Presently, postmoderns, hunger for some form of spirituality. They were conditioned in a society that largely believed mankind to merely be just another form of life that evolved; that lives, and dies with no purpose.

Some are returning to medieval Christian forms of worship wherein mystical beliefs from the east were used to enhance worship devotions (they mistrust organize religion); and others are just turning to eastern forms of spirituality. These various forms of worship fall under the heading of paganism because they are mediated by the demonic spirit guides encountered in meditation.

As a born-again student of scripture, whose social conditioning is being undermined by God’s truth, I believe that the spiritual solution is to return to scripture. I am certain that abiding in God’s truth enables one to become aware of the lies he has been accustomed to believing; the same lies that have led him deeply into worldliness. Yet, the Bible makes it clear that many will perish in their sins because they refused to believe God’s truth.

Perishing in lies would seem to be a natural consequence of not believing in God’s truth. Knowing truth enables one to discern lies; e.g., the FBI studies real currency that they might be able to discern the counterfeit when it is disseminated, or so I have heard many times. Therefore, if you want to be able to distinguish truth from lies, then you must know the real thing; moreover, if you have any desire to know the real God, and you have never read through His word, then please do that while you have the opportunity.



DVD: Olver Stone’s Untold History of the United States. Therein, you will get a good look at actual 20th century events that will make you ashamed you’re an American. The story is on 4 dvds and takes 10-12 hours to watch. But knowing the content of the series could enable one to more easily understand how our government used (uses) propaganda to keep us in the dark. (I viewed it free on Amazon Prime, then bought a copy.)

DVD: There’s No Place Like Utopia, by Joel Gilbert. He shows the progressives at work creating welfare cities…. The film is a parody on the Wizard of Oz, with former president Obama being the wizard behind the curtain making the great boasts…. I found the film very informative as I wasn’t clear on how the progressive party was establishing a guaranteed voter base in our country while they told lies to get in office with a socialist agenda to destroy our country and rebuild it as a socialist nation.  (I viewed in free on Amazon Prime, and afterwards bought a copy to loan out.)

Beatitude Life series, 1-d, self-exam pdf (see categories, Beatitude Life): it provides exercises to enable one to process feelings; learn to distinguish facts from opinions; learn to analyze relationship problems; to observe self…. Knowing the information therein would aid one in applying the last two videos above

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