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Propaganda And Misinformation Campaign By Leftists, Who Oppose Non Communists in Our Government

In the following videos, you will see that communist sympathizers in our government have been telling two different stories about important issues: under oath, their statements contradict their stories aired by leftist news media.

These contradictions are deliberate attempts to confuse the voting public and to carry out a smear campaign on president Trump and other of his colleagues working for the people.

You will see video clips that reveal deliberate misinformation / propaganda.



The following video reveals information about the coup that was attempted against our government by communist sympathizers in DC:




It is extremely difficult to obtain accurate information about anything in DC, such that you might cast an informed vote against communism and ineffective government officials.

How many government officials have spent their entire term trying to bring down president Trump and have not even done a day’s work for those who elected them to office?

It turns out that there are many. See, Categories, Propaganda Exposed: The Spygate Investigation and other posts for accurate information about such government officials.

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