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Proclaiming the Gospel [to Roman Catholics] — Mike Gendron’s Newsletter — October 2024

The following newsletter from Proclaiming the Gospel, the ministry of Mike Gendron and his wife. This October edition was copied and pasted from my email.

The Gendrons have a ministry that focuses on Roman Catholics, as he was converted after having been a practicing Roman Catholic for 37 years.

After the Newsletter, and before the information about Mike Gendron’s resources, there are two links to Conversion Testimonies from this blog of former Roman Catholics, Mike Gendron and Dr. Fred Tarsitano. 

Do We Need a New Reformation?

This month, we celebrate the 507th anniversary of the Reformation that began setting captives free from religious bondage and deception. It was the Word of God preached by men of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, that produced children of God, all for the glory of God. During “the dark ages”, the Scriptures were not available for common people to read. It was ignorance of Scripture that made the Reformation necessary, the recovery of Scripture that made the Reformation possible and the power of the Scripture that gave the Reformation its enduring impact.

Why Was the Reformation Necessary?

1. The Catholic Church had departed from the apostolic faith to follow doctrines of demons and pagan traditions (1 Tim. 4:1-3; Col. 2:8; Mark 7:7-13).

Very few traditions of the Catholic Church are found in the first century church described in the Book of Acts and the Epistles. The Reformers made it very clear that we are “not to go beyond what is written” (1 Cor. 4:6). Rome’s apostasy was officially and dogmatically documented at the Council of Trent, with dozens of anathemas that condemn those who do not believe its heretical dogmas.

2. The Catholic Church had distorted the Gospel of grace and was under divine condemnation (Gal. 1:6-9).

As God opened the eyes of the Reformers to see the light of the true Gospel and the glory of Christ, they began proclaiming it and calling Catholics to repent of their gospel of works and sacraments.

3. Catholic popes had usurped the supreme authority of God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:16).

Wherever Scripture is not the supreme authority, Christ will be dishonored, faith will be misplaced, people will be deceived, the church will be ineffective and men will steal glory from God.

4. Catholic priests were false mediators who were continuing Christ’s finished work of redemption on their altars (1 Tim. 2:5).

This was an outright rejection of the Lord’s victory cry on the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Jesus died once, for all sin, for all time and there are no more offerings for sin (Hebrews 10). Then “He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption” (Heb. 9:12)

What Did the Reformation Accomplish?

1. The Reformers made the Bible available to the people in their own language.

The truth was setting them free from religious bondage. This caused the pope to put a stop to this mass exodus by once again putting the Bible on their list of forbidden books.

2. The Reformers re-established the Word of God as the supreme authority over popes, traditions, and church councils (2 Tim. 3:15-16).

As the inspired Word of God, Scripture must be used to test and correct all other authorities.

3. The Reformers re-established the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Head of His Church.

How dare the pope steal this title from the One who purchased the church with His own blood (Eph. 1:22; Acts 20:28).

4. The Reformers recovered the most important doctrine of justification, which is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, all for the glory of God alone.

This doctrine answers man’s most important question, “How can a sinner become right with God?” Watch Mike’s recent message on Why the Reformation Was Necessary which highlights eight ways the Roman Catholic Church distorts the doctrine of justification.

Is Another Reformation Necessary?

The greatest assault on the Christian faith today is from those who are undermining the purity and exclusivity of the Gospel. Many are suppressing doctrinal truths for the sake of unity with apostate forms of Christianity. Others are compromising the Gospel for personal popularity, wealth and influence along with the desire to be loved by all. Tragically, those who embrace a compromised gospel may hear the most terrifying words any professing Christian could ever hear when the Lord Jesus declares “I never knew you, depart from Me” (Mat. 7:23). More than ever we need to fight the good fight of faith and contend for the Gospel like the Reformers did 500 years ago!

Pope Says All Religions Are a Path to God

Pope Francis continues to prove he is the most influential and dangerous false prophet in the world. His outrageous statement in Singapore, a country with at least five different faiths, has created an outlandish and bizarre controversy. The pompous pope declared “all religions are a path to God.” Then he embellished his heretical assertion by stating, “There’s only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths [to God].” This wolf in sheep’s clothing is seeking to unite all religious people of the world in a global religion that will worship the AntiChrist.

The pope said, “We are all children of God.” But since he is biblically ignorant, he is giving people a false hope. Only those who have received the Lord Jesus by faith are children of God (John 1:12). According to the inspired Word of God, all unbelievers are children of the devil. Jesus told the apostate Jewish leaders, “You are of your father the devil… who does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him” (John 8:44). “By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother” (1 John 3:10). The pope almost got it right. He could have correctly stated: “All unbelievers are children of the god of this world who has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Cor. 4:4).

This pope blatantly misrepresents both the Bible and historic Catholicism. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 846, refutes the pope by declaring, “Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the (Catholic) Church is necessary for salvation.” The true Head of the Church proves the false head of the church is a liar by declaring, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). Catholics need to repent and believe the Savior and run from this false prophet. Read more.

Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints

Mike, After watching you on Jan Markel’s YouTube, I won’t bother to talk someone who says that you were eternally condemned most of your life as a Catholic, and not even aware of it. For someone to say something so outrageous and inaccurate and offensive to God, you are a nutcase and have been co-opted by evil. Something truly evil has crept into your heart, and you are unaware of it. You falsely say you love Catholics but clearly you have a deep demonic disdain for Catholics! Apparently, you also believe that Christ, who started the Catholic Church, would completely abandon it and allow it to be corrupted. As for Pope Francis, thousands of Catholics are wary of him. I do not trust him. He says some really beautiful things and then says some really stupid, anti-scriptural statements. I would agree with you, that Francis is telling lies or has run morally amok. He is someone who I consider a complete and blatant heretic and a false pope, who has a role to play in these last days. But to say Catholics are condemned to hell, and not even aware of it. That is a statement of a lost lunatic! That is Satan’s work and you are assisting in that agenda! I will contact radio stations and make a concerted argument that they never allow someone like you to spread lies about the Catholic Church and cause more hate and persecution of Catholics. J.M., Rogers, AR

J.M., Your unbending loyalty to a religion instead of Christ and His Word is very similar to that of the first century apostate Jews. Many of them were so blinded by their corrupt religion that they did not recognize their promised Messiah. You rebuked my honest evaluation of being eternally condemned as a Catholic. It was because I did not believe the Gospel, and instead embraced my religion’s distortion of divine forgiveness. I encourage you to examine the object of your faith.

Mike, we watched your interview with Allie Beth Stuckey, and thought it was excellent. She had some hard questions and you handled them well. I pray many people will see the interview and be challenged in their understanding of the great need to evangelize Catholics. D. and C.K., Beaverton, OR

Sir, Not only is your pamphlet loaded with vicious, calumnious lies and hatred about the RCC, your pamphlet is intentionally deceiving. Satan himself writes vile, false, and deceiving pieces of literature like that.

The “doctrine of salvation by faith alone” is not biblically established. Read James 2:24. I’d be careful putting my name to such sinful material. Your soul is in danger with such hate and lies about Christ’s Church. Dr. T.S., IL

T.S., James is not teaching us how to be saved. He is contrasting a living, genuine faith that produces works from a dead, spurious faith that is void of works. Faith is the root and works are the fruit. Only living faith produces fruit. It is faith alone that justifies, but a faith that justifies is never alone. True saving faith will be accompanied by works after the believer becomes a new creature in Christ (Eph. 2:8-10). Hope this helps!

Two former Roman Catholics and their story of conversion from this blog, from the  CATEGORY of Conversion Testimony:

Link to Mike Gendron’s conversion testimony from this blog:

Mike also went to seminary which he talks about in the mp3 testimony below. His testimony is only 4 minutes long; he spends another 40 minutes speaking about ECT, the false movement calling Evangelicals and Catholics Together via a unity that ignores doctrinal differences.

The following link is to another convert from Roman Catholicism who had been an active member of the RCC for many years, Dr. Fred Tarsitano:

Dr. Fred Tarsitano was born again over 40 years ago. In the first video below, he shares his conversion experience which includes beginning to read scripture and seeking answers from priests and a bishop about the Bible. He made some very important discoveries that may interest you very much if you are a Roman Catholic or if you have family or friends who belong to the Catholic church.

Mike’s Speaking

Grace Chapel

Indio, CA

Oct. 25-27

Mike will teach a 3-day seminar on Reaching Catholics for Christ, including a Sunday morning message on Remembering the Reformation. Grace Chapel is located at 48395 Madison St. in Indio. For more information

click here.

Christ Community Bible Church Arlington, TX

Nov. 3

Mike will preach the Sunday morning message in the Chapel at Grace Preparatory School located at 3300 W Interstate 20, Arlington, Texas.

The service starts at 10:30 am. For more information click here.

For Mike’s complete schedule click here.

Starter Kit

Includes two books, Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel, along with a DVD message entitled, I’m a Christian, You’re a Catholic, So What’s the Difference? The Kit also includes one set of Gospel Cards, and four copies each of our 8 different Gospel Tracts in a vinyl carrying case for a savings of $10.

Order here.

Ambassador Pack of Eight Gospel Tracts
The pack includes packages of all eight of our Gospel Tracts plus one set of twelve Gospel Cards to equip and encourage you to sow the imperishable seed of God’s Word. Sow the seed of God’s Word wherever you go.

All Christians are called to proclaim the Gospel faithfully and contend for it earnestly. These two books will equip and encourage you to be effective witnesses for Christ, while contending for the Gospel against the relentless attacks on its purity and exclusivity.

Order here.

Both books are also available as Audio Books here and here.

20 Video Messages

Mike’s 20 most popular Keynote messages are available on one flash drive. They cover a range of topics including Bible prophecy, Catholicism, Discernment, Contending for the Faith, Evangelism, and Apologetics. To order click here.

The Most Important Words of the Gospel

This set of 12 Gospel cards explains and defines the most important words of the Gospel using God’s Word. Order your set of Gospel Cards here.

See more of Mike’s messages, teachings and interviews on AGTV and VCY.TV

Archived Monthly Newsletters

Most of our past monthly newsletters can be accessed here.

Special Offer Lower Prices

Sow seeds of God’s imperishable Word with our Gospel tracts. May God be glorified as the harvest of souls increases. Order here.

Proclaiming The Gospel | 2829 Veranda Lane | Southlake, TX 76092 US
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