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Practical Steps To Battling Deep-Rooted Sin From John Owen: by Dr. Jeff Mayfield

Are you stuck in sin and sinking lower; have all your efforts to free yourself from its quicksand grip come to nought?

I remember seeing, in the western movies of my youth, people who’d fallen into quicksand, there was no escaping without help from another. Usually, cowboys, on horseback, threw a rope to victims and pulled them out.

In the following 5 minute video, Dr. Mayfield explained chapter 9 of John Owen’s book on mortification of sin. Therein, Owen addressed the topic of entrenchment in sin.

Dr. Mayfield provided a useful overview of Owen’s strategies, throwing listeners the rope of God’s means.

Only by God’s means can one be delivered. But it is very important to assess this scenario accurately: the power of sin and the power of God in delivering.



For other helpful videos by Dr. Mayfield, see, Categories: John Owen; Calvin’s Institutes; Thomas Brooks.

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