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Ministering the gospel to Roman Catholics

Mike Gendron, was a Roman Catholic for 37 years. In 1981, he attended an evangelical seminar and was born again. A few years later, he and his wife Jane left the Catholic church and thereafter began a ministry to help other Catholics know the saving power of the biblical gospel. They call their ministry, Proclaiming the Gospel.

His website, states that their love for Catholics inspired them to begin their ministry 30 years ago.

Mike also went to seminary which he talks about in the mp3 testimony below. His testimony is only 4 minutes long; he spends another 40 minutes speaking about ECT, the false movement calling Evangelicals and Catholics Together via a unity that ignores doctrinal differences.

Mike identifies 9 points that “need further and urgent exploration” according to ECT II conference: 1. baptismal regeneration; 2, the eucharist as a sacrifice for sins; 3, sacrificial grace as necessary for salvation; 4, Justification being infused vs imputed; 5, purgatory for the purging away of residual sins; 6, indulgences for the remission of temporal punishment for venial sins; 7, the belief that Mary continues to offer the gifts of salvation; 8, the assistance of the saints in salvation; and 9, the possibility of salvation to those who have never been evangelized.

Then he concludes his discussion via more than a dozen definitions that clearly separate evangelicals and catholics. I suggest that you download this mp3 and go through it with a notebook and pen because whether you are an evangelical or a catholic, these points are worthy of remembering and / or meditating upon. It is very clear to me that Gendron has thought hard about these matters and boiled them down so that listeners are saved a lot of study. [If you are listening on a pc, then you may download this mp3 from this blog.]


In the following video, Mike Gendron spoke to students at the Master’s Seminary in CA. He presented the many differences between the false RCC gospel and the true biblical gospel very clearly. Anyone who carefully listens to his presentation could be strengthened in his understanding of the true gospel; furthermore, he might understand the harm of the RCC gospel and may gain a strategy for revealing to Catholics the unbiblical nature of their beliefs.





In conclusion, I want to restate the importance of Christians being fluent in Bible knowledge. The biblical gospel saves. When Christian groups add to the gospel, it does not save. That was clearly stated by Gendron and Tarsitano; furthermore, in my next post, you will hear that message stated again as the speaker discusses the seeker friendly, market driven and emergent churches. 

Bottom line: if you proclaim yourself to be a Christian and do not read the Bible, then you are committing a fatal error; and you will be led onto the broad road very quickly, and that leads to destruction.


Dvd,  Luther:  this movie stars Joseph Fiennes and Claire Cox. It provides an accurate overview of the Protestant Reformation and Roman Catholic abuses that persist to date.

Gendron’s site, has valuable resources: books, dvds, pamphlets, mp3s, downloads…of materials that aid in witnessing to catholics and aid in understanding the benefits of salvation…. [I just searched Mike Gendron Ministries to get to his site / store.]


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