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Mind, Heart, and Will – A Sermon on Romans 6:17  by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The sermon of this post is from MLJTrust, YouTube.


MLJ taught this 23-part series on spiritual depression by preaching on some of the many things that lead to such depression in one’s spiritual life.

This is the first sermon in that series; herein, he deals with a problem that can easily be seen in the various types of evangelizing that occur in the church: that preachers and evangelists focus on one or two aspects of the person when presenting the gospel, instead of focusing on the “whole” person: mind (intellect); heart (emotions, affections); and will.

One example he mentioned briefly was the evangelist that wants to get a decision. That person errs because he is focusing on the intellect and the will and leaving out the heart.

Other preachers and evangelists attempt to move a person via their emotions, bypassing their minds….

The biblical manner of presenting the gospel to a potential convert is to begin by teaching doctrine; that doctrine will stir the emotions, which will engage the will.

MLJ stated that a true Christian has received such a robust ministry.

Before hearing the sermon by MLJ, please listen to the following 3-minute message by pastor John MacArthur wherein he teaches the same. He confronted those who attempt to evangelize by firstly moving the emotions of a person via music. [That is happening everywhere in the church these days.]

MLJ and John MacArthur indicate that ministry must begin with the teaching of doctrine via expounding scripture. Then, a person emotions and will subsequently engage to give expression to truth.

Although MacArthur gives voice to the same ideas expounded in MLJ’s sermon, MLJ gives a lot of examples so that the listener might understand the significance of the errors that address only one or two aspects of the entire person when presenting the gospel to them.

I encourage you  to hear both videos such that you are able to identify the errors when you consider various preachers and evangelists.


MacArthur noted that the hymns of the church contain doctrine that enables worship; I want to take that a bit further and mention something that MLJ commented on in his series, that one needs to talk to himself rather than listening to himself. The hymns are very helpful in doing that because when one is singing doctrine, he is basically preaching to himself, like the Psalmist in Psalms 42 and 43:

Psalm 42:5  Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation….

MLJ’s sermon:


Video-page link:

Playlist-page link:

Playlist on Spiritual Depression:

Narrative and link from MLJTrust at YouTube:…

Christians can become spiritually depressed, perhaps not experiencing the joy of their salvation. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that they often do not realize the greatness of the gospel.

In this sermon on Romans 6:17 titled “Mind, Heart, and Will,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows that the Christian message involves the whole person, and the whole person is to be affected by it. Christians cannot rejoice in the gospel if their doctrine is unbalanced or lopsided. Some Christians emphasize merely the morality of the Christian message. Others believe Christianity is only about forgiveness of sins.

This is due to the fact that many preachers embrace doctrine that lacks balance. Converts often look like the people God used in their conversion, picking up their characteristics. Thus, for many, their understanding of the Christian message is lacking.

Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues that the gospel transforms the whole person, not simply part of them. A Christian is one who knows why they are what they are. A Christian must be ready to give a reason for the hope within. As a Christian battles spiritual depression, it is imperative that they know the whole gospel and have been affected by it. In this way, one may, once again, experience the joy of their salvation.

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