If you want to hear the initial 9 signs and two, one minute introductory videos, see: Categories, Jonathan Edwards. 

Also, I posted videos by Dr. Mayfield in the category: John Owen. By those 8 videos, he provided an overview of John Owens famous work on temptation and the mortification of sin. That book is also a very difficult read and Dr. Mayfield’s videos are very beneficial.

Again, these signs are from Jonathan Edwards’ book, A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, written in 1746.

Jeff Mayfield is the senior pastor of Stony Hill Baptist Church in Wake Forest, NC. He prepared for gospel ministry through studies at Liberty (B.A.) and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div. and Ph.D.). Jeff enjoys preaching, biblical studies, history, theology, and mentoring other followers of Christ.