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How to Live in an Upside Down World; by Dr. John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur’s words aptly describe what is happening in the western world today and provide insight into the culture war between conservatives and progressives.

More specifically, his words help one to understand why Christians are so unacceptable to the mainstream culture.

If you have been troubled by what is happening in our country, then you will certainly glean some insight from Dr. MacArthur’s words.

How to live in an upside down world: Dr. John MacArthur

[Many of the following highlights are paraphrased, from Dr. MacArthur’s sermon; important connecting ideas are missing; bracketed statements are mine]

The following appears to be a 20 minute excerpt of a MacArthur sermon, posted by Walking In Truth Ministries:



The following link is to Dr. MacArthur’s sermon. You will find related, much longer sermons nearby:

For other posts in this blog that addresses our modern Paganistic culture, see Categories: Paganism / Neo Paganism; Social Justice / Identity Politics.

For posts that describe the biblical Christian life, see Categories: True Kingdom Citizen; Beatitude Life.

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