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How the Online Pornography Epidemic Is Creating a Generation of Dopamine Addicts: Clare Morell – Epoch Times: American Thought Leaders

The following 55 second video teaser is from American Thought Leaders, Epoch Times at Rumble. There is a link to view the entire 45-minute video freely, but you will have to establish a free account by giving email address.

Highlights for the initial 33 minutes of the 45-minute interview are listed below this video teaser:

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Highlights from initial 33 minutes of full interview:

Something that was overlooked, in my opinion, was the pornographic nature of the drag queen shows to which children are being exposed. It doesn’t fit neatly into the above rationale, but is certainly pornographic and harmful to the wellbeing of children.

Narrative that accompanied the above video teaser at Rumble:

One of the last things that Thomas Crooks reportedly searched for on the internet before he tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was prnography. It’s brought the taboo issue of prn addiction back into the limelight.

“What we have to understand about p*rnography is that it literally rewires the brain,” says Clare Morell, senior policy analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “Their prefrontal cortex—which is that part of our brain responsible for our self control, our impulse control, emotional regulation—isn’t fully developed till the age of 25.”

Morell is an advocate for child protection and a leading voice in the conversation about digital safety. She’s also the author of the forthcoming book, “The Tech Exit: A Manifesto for Freeing Our Kids,” which looks at the disastrous effect that p*rnography and other violent and sexual online content has had on society.

“Kids don’t even need to go looking for it anymore. It finds them on social media,” says Morell.

Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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