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Gen 1:27 Nullifies The Concept of Gender Fluidity: Paganism, Part 36

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Dr. David Mackereth, MD, Christian, recently lost his job for not going along with gender fluidity pronouns as his employer asked him to do.

He shares the specifics of his situation in the following video and emphasizes that this foundational biblical truth has been under attack by the western world for some time.

Mackereth’s very thoughtful talk, is also encouraging to Christians to witness the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ during this chaotic time (as there may not be much time left to do so).

I am reminded of a statement by Martin Luther wherein he said that one might be thoroughly biblical in all areas but the one which is currently under attack by the world, and he would be disobedient for refusing to take a stand on that matter (paraphrase).

Consider Luther’s statement when as you listen to the Mackereth video.



During his talk, Dr. Mackereth made a remark, “this politically correct generation,” and I wanted to say that one chief reason he was fired was due to politically correctness.

We know, because Americans have recently lost jobs and more for deviating one iota from the SOCIAL MARXIST POLITICALLY CORRECT NARRATIVE.

Every American, who values life, freedom, liberty, and the “pursuit of happiness,” should be outraged that the social Marxists have such a stranglehold on America.

What troubles me (since I have been studying this matter over the past year or so) is that the Americans who think they are such good people for falling in line behind the Marxist trend setters, are just that, a bunch of mindless, spineless followers. 

Social Marxist political correctness is not a good thing. Every Marxist regime has killed millions of people, starved millions of others, taken the freedom and property of the masses they have ruled….

What is good about that!!!!!

Yet, unthinking Americans and those who think they are the elites of the western world, think it a mark of social status to be in line with politically correct views.


Those who subscribe to it have been successfully BRAINWASHED.

Is that something of which to be proud?


I guess that the big point is that no one wants to be hated, discriminated against, fired, socially ostracized…and that is just what the Social Marxist Trend Setters do to anyone who dares to voice their own opinions. 

Androgyny: As related to Gen. 1:27 and Mackereth’s talk:

Another aspect of the huge Anti-Christian movement currently swallowing up the western world is Neo Paganism.

My series on Paganism (see, categories, Paganism / Neo Paganism) talks about numerous aspects of this movement which can be seen in the progressive church, government and social movements of our day. 

The first post is about Aleister Crowley’s social goals, established at the turn of the 20th century; a torch picked up and carried on by other significant persons during the century.

Crowley’s system is moving the masses of Neo Pagan followers towards the atheistic, immoral, anti-Christian, godless, androgynistic social order of which he and his lieutenants drempt.

Yes, gender fluidity is one step closer to the androgenism they believe to be the sacrament of their system.   

The movement is anti-Christian, yet much of the church embraces aspects of it unknowingly — they are the unbiblical church.

Those who follow the Bible, however, must stand for its doctrines, no matter how that impacts their lives.

Dr. Mackereth has paid a price for his stance. 

My series on Paganism is based on the book The Other Worldview, by Dr. Peter Jones

The above video is from the YouTube site: Christian Sermons and Audio Books

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