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FAKE NEWS! Every News Agency is Pointing Fingers? Find Out Which Ones May Really Be Fake!

If you search “fake news,” then you will discover that every news agency points elsewhere. These days, discovering the truth about any topic is nearly impossible.

My search for truth has caused me to learn much about this topic; and I have often felt powerless and angry because of the difficulty of the task.

Before, during and after college, I sought truth about religion and about nutrition. I spent approximately 15 years doing that until I gave up.

Why? Because I seemed to be afloat upon a sea of contradictory information about those two fields of study and all others I looked into.

This blog speaks to the truth I was eventually given by God; but that is the only area I believe I have encountered truth.

During the past several months, I have been attempting to understand politics because I am so alarmed by the activities of the progressive left; again, I am confronted with the seeming impossibility of discovering truth.

The video below is an interview by American Thought Leaders wherein author, Lee Smith’s book is discussed: The Plot Against The President.

The book is about investigations being conducted in Washington, D.C. by Congressman Devin Nunes and AG William Barr. The Nunes investigation has been unfolding for about 3 years and discoveries about “spygate” have implicated many leaders of the security agencies; politicians; and news agencies / reporters.

I am not saying that these men are as reliable as the Bible prophets…but these investigations have netted findings that cannot be ignored by reasonable people.

I did a post about spygate in January, 2020, see archives, wherein Epoch Times reported on Spygate findings and Nunes was interviewed. Many facts can be learned by listening to the two videos in that post (12 and 36 minutes); if you’re as troubled about finding truth as I have been, then you should appreciate those videos.

The video below covers the Russia Hoax (we know now, with certainty, that it was a hoax); the Ukraine Hoax; Spygate; and the Impeachment Hoax; the contents of Smith’s book.




I have some update videos about spygate that I will be posting later this week.

For other posts in this blog on progressive government, see: categories, Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; and Propaganda Exposed.

I made a list of all the news agencies that were implicated in the spygate investigation, see below:

CNN; New Yorker; NYTimes; The Washington Post; BBC; NBC; Yahoo; Mother Jones; Buzzfeed; MSNBC; Politico: The Guardian; ABC; Vanity Fair; Huff Post; Newsweek; Slate; and McClatchy.

I have made it a point to listen only to Fox and Epoch Times during the past several months. I am not saying that all the above agencies are wrong on all points; they were, however, implicated in the above scandals per the book and investigations. 


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