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Doctrine: it is the foundation of the Christian life

There are two videos below: the first one is only a minute long; therein, Dr. John MacArthur says much about the role of doctrine in the Christian life. The second, is 44 minutes long and is a sermon by C. H. Spurgeon.



In the following video, from the site Christian Praise and Worship in Songs, Sermons, and Audio Books on YouTube, someone reads a C. H. Spurgeon sermon on the Effects of Sound Doctrine. 

Spurgeon took a careful look at the doctrine of election; in the process Arminianism and Calvinism are discussed. He gave meaningful examples to show how doctrine impacts the Christian’s emotions, experience, devotional life, and his actions.

Some other doctrines are cursorily discussed in passing.

The sermon is very uplifting and worthy of the time required to listen to it.

But more than that, these two videos indicate that doctrine is FOUNDATIONAL to the Christian life the way a concrete footer is foundational to a home or a building. Without it, one is building his Christian life on sand like Jesus warned against in Matthew 7; wherein He said that judgment would destroy such a life.





This site, Christian Praise and Worship in Songs, Sermons, and Audio Books,  is a great place to discover sound preaching and more about many areas of the Christian life.

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