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Demons in Davos, Behind the Scenes by Curtis Bowers

The articles / videos in this post were copied and pasted from my electronic subscription to Agenda Weekly. In case you are new to AW, its purpose is to reveal the agenda of the globalist Marxist democratic left as can be seen in the events of culture. Begin article:

The Elites of the world believe they are the only ones capable of knowing what is best for the “ignorant masses.” As they assembled in Davos this week, we saw once again the totalitarian nightmare they are trying to force on humanity. The invisible digital prison cells they are currently constructing use biometrics, digital currency, carbon monitoring, food and energy rationing, and a Universal ID/Passport for 24/7 surveillance to insure obedience. Regardless of their accommodating, condescending language, their plans will create a hell on earth that will be impossible to escape. We must say NO. But how?

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Featured Videos

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Watch: The UN’s Funding Killing Of Children And Rape Of Women At The Southern Border (8 minutes). The UN is encouraging people to slip into America by crossing the Darien Gap while being horribly abused by the cartels in the process.

Watch: WOKE Ideology Exposed by a Very Powerful Speech to Students at Oxford (9 minutes) We must never give up on reaching the young with logical persuasive arguments to expose the fallacies they believe.

Watch: The Managed Decline Of America At The Hands Of The CCP & Biden Family (11 minutes). This short video clearly explains China’s tactics of destroying us from within.

Watch: The Roots of the Depopulation Movement (9 minutes). From population bomb to false prophet, Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren’s book Ecoscience has a concerning passage about a bioweapon as a “solution” to overpopulation. Note: to watch, click the picture or link above.

Watch: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Tries to Dodge Questions at World Economic Forum (5 minutes). Ezra Levant questioned the governor about his rationale for attending the annual gathering of the elite in Davos and whether it is consistent with ‘America First’ Republican values.


Articles of the Week

Read: Don’t Trust the Government with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms by John Whitehead. “How do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the Constitution and undermines our rights? You can’t.”

Read: ‘Toxic by Design’: Researcher Explains Why US Defense Dept’s COVID Vax Operation Shows Intent to Harm by Life Site News. “The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the COVID 19 injections, [the] so-called ‘vaccines.’” 

Read: Mass Surveillance Technologies Put in Place During Pandemic Aren’t Going Away by Dr. Joseph Mercola. “Mass surveillance technologies put in place to protect public health during the COVID-19 pandemic haven’t gone away. Instead, they’ve been expanded in an effort to exact worldwide social control.”

Read: Pandering to the New World Order: American Politicians Sell Us Out to An International Criminal Syndicate with Blood on Its Hands by Leo Hohmann. “U.S. politicians who receive invitations to the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, always seem to say stupid things, or stay silent when they could speak up for American values.”

Read: 13 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol by Joe Hoft. “Dozens if not hundreds of government operatives infiltrated the protests at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.”

Prayer and Action

This Sunday, January 22, is the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Over 60 million babies have been slaughtered since the Roe v. Wade decision 50 years ago. Please take time to pray for the unborn, thank God for the pro-life victories of the past year, and ask how you stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Please pray often for brave people of Brazil. They have been officially taken over by the communists and will suffer tremendous persecution. Please pray that their suffering will draw them closer to Christ.

Praise God for a great revival in the evangelical church in Brazil over the last 10 years! There are now tens of millions of Christians in the country.

Pray that God will grow their faith and direct their paths, and that the church will successfully move underground to feed the Christians spiritually. Pray that the revival in Brazil will spread throughout South America.

Ed. Note: President Bolsanaro, who is a Christian, was helping the country stabilize and grow in freedom. China is now moving into Brazil to access the tremendous abundance of resources there. While Communism has been spreading for years in Central and South America, with Lula now ruling Brazil, the entire continent of South America will likely continue moving toward Communism at an alarming speed. The sobering reality is this could include our neighbor Mexico. Mexico is collapsing because of corruption, which Communists know is fertile soil for revolution. Lenin stated a key Communist goal over 100 years ago: “First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. We will encircle the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. We will not need to fight. It will fall as a ripe fruit into our hands.”

Pray that many will awaken to and stand against the WEF’s globalist anti-human agenda.

Pray that many more will understand that true freedom must be accompanied by Biblical morality. Pray that God will be merciful to us and allow the “fear of God” to grow throughout America. Pray that Christians would have discernment and a desire to be holy.

Pray for repentance in the church and that charlatan pastors will be exposed as frauds to their congregations.

Watch Preparing for 2023 if you haven’t yet. This episode has many suggestions for prioritizing and investing the precious time God has given. Strategize with your spouse or family to make 2023 your most productive and meaningful year ever.

Send a short Thank You note or phone call to several of the 20 Republicans who stood up during the recent Speaker of the House election. Find your member of Congress here, or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Assess family, church, community and workplace relationships. Are there ways you can improve them and be a more positive, godly influence?

Take another look at your level of preparedness in the areas of food, water, finances, defense, energy, community, etc. The world is on the path to extreme crisis. We need to make sure we don’t neglect our preparations for that reality.

Important Note: Thank you so much for your feedback in our recent survey! We are deeply grateful to have such wonderful and encouraging subscribers, and we look forward to incorporating your excellent suggestions as we are able.

Memory verse of the week: Mark 8:36, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

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