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Death, a reminder that it comes like a thief in the night

Death is a topic that most successfully push to the back of their minds; the following two videos are meant to bring it back up front.  It is essential to believe that this life and all its pleasures, possessions…are very fleeting and that eternity is forever, because that is the truth. Hence, it ought to be a grave matter, of highest priority, to be right with God during this life; to actually taste His mercy by having your sins forgiven; by learning to serve Him; by striving for holiness…before it is too late.

The first video below is about famous people that died earlier this year; and the second, highlights the last pictures that were taken of famous people; none of which expected to be dead shortly thereafter.


Last photos of famous people:




***Make it a goal to read through your Bible yearly; if you are sufficiently fortunate to have a death-bed experience, you will be very grateful that you made the Bible a priority in your life. Moreover, it is highly unlikely that you would be able to read it on your deathbed; thus, it must be read while you are able. And since you are not guaranteed tomorrow, today would be the right time to start reading it.

***A study of the book Ecclesiastes, including a book by David Gibson: Living Life Backwards. This book was used in the Sunday school at the church I am attending presently, and although I had read and studied Ecclesiastes many times, I am finding much meaning by studying this book. It calls one to live life with a full awareness that death is stalking us; to live life as though it were a precious gift from God to be cherished all the more because it is so fleeting.


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