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David Daleiden vs Planned Parenthood: The Sale Of Aborted Baby Parts

The following is a small portion of a donation request I received in my email today. I afterwards searched David Daleiden on YouTube and learned about his undercover work that exposed Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts.

The first videos were released in 2015. Since then, there has been a court battle to block other videos from release.

A California judge, William Auric III, who is affiliated with Planned Parenthood put a gag order on unreleased video.

The partial letter below explains what Daleiden faces in court, the Thomas More Society expect the case to cost approximately 6 million dollars by the time it is over:

“I’ve got good news, bad news, and really bad news for the pro-life movement.

The good news is the judge dismissed seven of the fifteen felony criminal charges against pro-life citizen journalist David Daleiden stemming from his undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood, leaving him facing eight felony counts.

The bad news is the California Attorney General added a ninth felony charge at David’s arraignment.
And the really bad news is that David may have to stand trial before another San Francisco jury which will decide whether he spends a decade locked away in a state penitentiary.
So we’ve got to be prepared for the worst!” [End Quote]

The following video is Daleiden speaking about the Planned Parenthood case to an audience at the Family Research Council / Values Voter Summit.

The initial 3 minutes are an introduction of his agency’s undercover work; minutes 3-12 show an undercover conversation about the selling of baby parts; minutes 12-25 David speaking about the agencies that Planned Parenthood sold baby parts to, one whistle blower from Stem Express acknowledging baby parts being harvested by them.


VVS 2017: David Daleiden


If you want to support David Daleiden vs California, click the following link:

The following 30 second video airs concerns of women who were manipulated by Planned Parenthood, who told them their baby body parts would be donated to science, but they were actually sold for profit:


Since I published this post early this am, it occurred to me that all that is going down around Planned Parenthood and body-part harvest agencies…sounds a lot like China’s crimes against the Uigurts. Perhaps that is why globalists, leftists…don’t have a problem making contracts with China and buying products made by dissenters who have been enslaved.

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