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Crisis, Christ and Confidence: by Westminster Theological Seminary and Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The first video below is a 22 minute message from Dr. Patrick Ramsey about the above topic. It is followed by a 34 minute video of a discussion panel at Westminster Theological Seminary wherein they address many aspects of this Covid 19 pandemic in terms of the title: crisis, Christ and confidence.

Dr. Ramsey is emphasizing the WTS topic in his sermon:





The above video is part 5 in an ongoing series:

Part 1: Wisdom for the church about gathering; part 2, Fear; part 3, coronavirus and divine judgment; part 4, coronavirus, the king of conspiracies?

If you go to YouTube and search:  Crisis, Christ and confidence, all 5 parts come up.

Regarding the WTS discussion:

I began to learn (one small topic they covered) that it was not good to put all my hope in doctors as I dealt with cancer. When it occurred to me that this could be what kills me, I began to lean on Christ and His word rather than putting my hope in doctors: I became much more diligent in prayer and Bible reading, and asked for help to become more accepting of His providential workings regarding my life; I was given that grace.

The video offers more than that, but I believed it very beneficial that they addressed that topic also; as in all my waiting room conversations with other radiation patients, all of them were putting their entire trust in doctors, and they viewed me as weird, when I encouraged them to begin reading their Bibles and praying fervently to God, being ready to die if He should call them.

But most Christians realize that death is stalking us and it is only a matter of time until it swallows us; so the area of greatest importance needs to be the eternal concerns of our souls.


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