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Covenant: What is Reformed Theology – R C Sproul – Part 1

The video of this post came from the YouTube site, Ligonier Ministries.

This mini-series will look at Bible covenants:

In this post, R C Sproul explained the biblical concept of covenant and how that idea is intimately connected to the biblical gospel message.

He opened by explaining the term covenant via very brief examples from the Bible.

After he introduced the idea of covenant, he identified three types of covenants in the Bible:

  1. The covenant of redemption (originated among the three persons of the Godhead)
  2. The covenant of works (given to Adam and Eve; based on their conduct; they failed to keep it)
  3. The covenant of grace (began after the fall, in Genesis 3:15 and continues through Revelation)

R C made abundantly clear the false idea that a Christian can earn his way to heaven, explaining that the way of works (law keeping; obedience to God’s commands) was closed in Genesis 3.

His teaching on covenants ended with an explanation of the biblical gospel. That gospel message cannot be rightly perceived unless one understands that it rests upon the covenants of the Bible; upon the promises made in those covenants; promises founded in God’s mercy.

The biblical gospel message is the only way of salvation and depends upon the finished work of Christ and the mercy of God as it is held forth via His covenant of grace.

There are many false concepts of the gospel floating around in the social realm; only one saves. The one described by Sproul in this post.


Video-page link:

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Link to videos on Covenant:

Links and narrative that accompanied video at YouTube:

Mar 12, 2015 #ReformedTheology #RCSproul

Are we as Christians saved by works, or by faith alone? The key to understanding what part works and faith play in the drama of redemption is to understand the biblical structure and role of covenants. Without a proper understanding of covenants we fail to grasp the grandeur of Christ’s life and work. In this message, Dr. Sproul gives us the covenantal framework of redemption that finds full resolution in the work of Christ.

This is the 6th in a series of messages by Dr. Sproul on Reformed theology. See other videos in the series:    • What Is Reformed Theology? – R.C. Sproul  

Own this series on DVD:…

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#ReformedTheology #RCSproul

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