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Christianity + Marxism = Total Absurdity [Syncretism Part 4]

This is a summary post for my mini-series on syncretism.

In the last post on syncretism, Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached on the Devil and the nations and a short of a John MacArthur sermon was used to introduce MLJ’s sermon. Marxism was a peripheral topic under consideration by each of those men in that Marxists are confirmed in their opposition to Christianity.

The sermon points noted about MLJ’s sermon clearly state that Marxism is of the Devil; that the Devil is it’s mentor because it also is about bringing down every established aspect of society (you’d have to go back to syncretism part 2 to get some of that information).

This post is just going to set down a partial list of points that have been established about Christianity and Marxism in this brief series on syncretism.

The main point of this is to demonstrate the absurdity of a union between these systems:

Bullet points below identify the ASPECT CONSIDERED; below bullets, 1. how that is revealed in Christianity; 2, how that is revealed in Marxism:

Christianity, yes, Father, Son And Holy Spirit.

Marxism, yes, the state

Christianity: Bible, Holy Spirit.

Marxism, Communist Manifesto, Lucifer

Christianity: salvation via gospel; order; promotion of godliness and reverence for God  

Marxism:  tear down all existing social conditions; chaos; adherence to state “narrative”

Christianity: commandment 8 about not stealing indicates that each is a right from God

Marxism: Communist manifesto indicates that no one has right to either

Christianity: marriage is a relationship that reflects the relationship between Christ and His bride,      the church; family is a place wherein godliness it taught per scripture

Marxism: cultural Marxist, Theodor Adorno, in his book, The Authoritarian Personality, described        the following states as “pathological:” pride in one’s family; traditional gender roles / attitudes            towards sex; love of one’s country; Christianity.  In other words, to him and cultural Marxists, the family is a sickness, an absurdity, something to be purged

Christianity: yes, God given but guidelines for each established in God’s commands; personal              accountability required and assessed by God

Marxism: No, all dissenters will be punished by the state; adherence to the state established                narrative is required; narrative established by men according to the personal whims of an                      individual or a group of state officials; no regard for truth or facts; truth is relative, and is what the        state dictates

The above list is sufficient in order to state a few points about the union of Marxism and Christianity in current movements wherein preachers have incorporated Marxist thinking into their sermons and churches, as found in CRT, for example.

It cannot be done. That is not a matter of opinion, but a matter of doctrine, of tenets that are characteristic of each of these systems.

That is, a person or a church cannot be both an atheist and a non-atheist (a theist) at the same time. See the next post which is linked at the bottom of this post, it explains a law of logic, the law of Non-contradiction. Without this law, no one could communicate clearly to another person.

One cannot simultaneously worship and mock God; a Christian-Marxist, who is consistent with the tenets of Christianity and Marxism would have to do such a thing.

One cannot both honor God’s established family and denigrate it; work to destroy it….

One cannot both honor the God-given institution of marriage and monogamy; and simultaneously practice pansexuality; homosexuality; transgenderism….

Suffice to say that pastors and ‘professed Christians’ who think they can imbibe both the biblical scriptures and the communist manifesto are the ones who are experiencing some type of pathological state, to use Adorno’s terms.

Therefore, if you believe that you are a Christian, you must leave any church that has incorporated cultural Marxist ideology into their mission statement or sermons….

The SBC is the most recent example of a body of churches that have done such.

Pastors like Tim Keller, David Platt, Matt Chandler and many more believe they can unite Marxist ideology with scriptural doctrines.

One read through the Bible with a NIV study Bible, for example, will inform you that such an idea is impossible and forbidden, per God, the author of scripture.

God could not even do such a thing, because God cannot lie, like the sycophantic, self-called men who claim to do such things.

See the next post which explains the law of Non-Contradiction, an elementary law of logic. 


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