I was listening to the following sermon tonight, which I have heard many times while learning of and writing on the beatitudes; but I was convicted by it regarding my defensive attitude of late, which I presently see has been quite prideful.
I thought it worth noting and posting in the belief that others might also experience conviction and instruction.
The following are sermon highlights [square brackets, emboldening, and underscoring are mine]:
Blessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit the earth:

- The following scriptures were read as Dr. Nelson Kloosterman provided context for his message: Matthew 11:20ff; 1 Peter 3:8ff; 2 Cor. 10:1ff; Matthew 5:5; and; Psalm 37:9-11
- Matthew 11:20 – 25, Jesus pronounced a curse on Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum; saying they would experience greater damnation than Tyre and Sidon on judgment day
- Jesus then began to call believers to take His yoke upon themselves, and to learn from Him because He is meek and lowly:
- The contrast in Jesus’ words, apparent in these two scenarios, characterizes Christian meekness [this contrast is carefully explained via the remainder of the sermon, as that is how the believer is to live]
- The world’s idea of meekness explained; and their inability to fathom Christian meekness
- In 2 Cor. 10, the apostle Paul also presented readers with this contrast: him as he wrote and him in person…
- Meekness is not the absence of argument, disagreement; of fighting – as Paul argued much in his writing
- Meekness is personal denial for the sake of kingdom battles; that is, believers are to fight for God’s kingdom while they may suffer slander, physical harm, embarrassment, etc. They are to endure personal injury, while they argue, defend…the kingdom of God in a courageous manner
- For example, in Galatians 5, Paul notes some of the fruit of the Spirit; these are not fruit of the flesh; that is, the Holy Spirit works these into believers, they do not possess these in Adam
- The Holy Spirit’s work in believers teaches them to sustain personal abuse without returning it in kind; He also gives them courage to defend the kingdom of God
- Dr. Kloosterman suggests that meekness is an evangelistic technique; it is a path via which we might testify of Christ’s kingdom, gospel blessings… to our neighbors, family…
- In 1 Peter 3:8ff Peter describes meekness and indicates that it destroys strongholds, arguments…of the evil one; that meekness is not weakness
- How many times has our own testimony of Christ been laced with sarcasm, superiority, arrogance, self-glory, condescension?
- That kind of error is due to us defending ourselves, our pride, self-image, honor…instead of defending God’s honor courageously and meekly sustaining personal abuse for Christ’s sake [the kind of meekness Jesus described in Matthew 6: turning the other cheek; loving our enemies]
- It is a common error to compromise that we don’t alienate our peers; that is, instead of fighting, arguing…courageously for God and suffering personal hatred, alienation, slander…we hold back so as not to suffer persecution; then, God’s kingdom is not honored, propagated or defended
- What does it take to be meek? A God-given wisdom to distinguish between personal wishes and biblical principles – explained
- One cannot know meekness without initially experiencing poverty of spirit and mourning for sin
- [That is, one’s sins must be acknowledged and taken to the cross; they must also be mourned]
- Who are the meek? Those who suffer personal abuse without returning evil for evil, while they fight for the cause of Jesus Christ in their community, world, church…
- Why the meek are blessed? They will receive a blessed inheritance which includes the blessing of being trained in the fray (inheritance explained so that readers see that they have to do nothing to receive it; as when a son inherits his father’s wealth, property…solely because he was born into that family – as Christians have been born again spiritually…)
- Can one get ready now for his inheritance? Yes, by learning self-discipline, meekness…during our struggle on the earth, as we will be using it in the next life; and the Holy Spirit is working it into us now – concur with Him and learn
- Prayer that connects all the aforementioned
For other posts on the beatitudes, see Categories: The Beatitude Life (narrative posts); and True Kingdom Citizen (video posts).
The following link is to the first sermon in Dr. Kloosterman’s 8 part series on the beatitudes on Sermonaudio.com
To hear all 8 sermons, advance to sermon following sermons by clicking on the arrows next to his picture, Beatitude Series.