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BLM is Founded On Marxism and Lies

The following video by Larry Elder, and a talk by Dr. Voddie Baucham both state that Michael Brown reached into the police car and attempted to grab officer Wilson’s gun.

Dr. Baucham summed the situation up by saying that if someone reached into the driver’s window of his police cruiser, trying to get his gun it would create a situation wherein one of them would be shot.

Therefore, Brown was guilty of aggression against this officer and created a deadly situation.

That is a very reasonable assessment.

Mr. Elder asks questions to viewers of the video that helps them come to a conclusion:



The following video is a talk on Cultural Marxism by Dr. Voddie Baucham.

Dr. Baucham was raised by a single, Buddhist mother, in south central LA in the midst of gang violence wherein the Rampart division was in charge of his neighborhood.

He is very familiar with situations such as the Michael Brown incident. That is, he is not some pampered liberal who is voicing an ill-informed opinion about this matter.

His talk is about cultural Marxism; I cannot remember the exact location of his comments on Michael Brown, viewers will have to listen to the video to find them. But his critique of social justice is well worth hearing.



For other posts in this blog on social justice, Marxism, leftism…, see Categories: Social Justice / Identity Politics; Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed….


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